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Seattle residents look to backyard cottages, home modifications to enhance multigenerational living (Seattle Times)

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Seattle Times cited the Fall Prevention Center of Excellence at the USC Leonard Davis School in an article about multigenerational housing and safety for aging in place. Falls are the No. 1 cause of injury, trauma-related hospital visits and injury deaths for those ages 65 and older, but home modifications can improve safety and support independent living, according to the center.

US life expectancy dropped a full year in first half of 2020, according to CDC (Los Angeles Daily News)

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Los Angeles Daily News quoted Eileen Crimmins of the USC Leonard Davis School on COVID-19’s impact on U.S. life expectancy. “A year of life expectancy lost doesn’t really give you a true sense of how serious this has been. Millions of life years were actually lost,” she told CNN. “Covid is on track to cause more deaths than cancer or heart disease, and that’s important.”

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