Description of Data Compact Disk

The data will only be released on CD after the signed agreement form is received*. The CD will contain the data in SAS format as well as the codebook and questionnaire files.

The files on the wave 1 CD include

  • readme.txt
  • varlist.xls
  • w1data_op.txt
  • w1short_op.txt

The wave 2 CD contains:

  • w2_varlist.xls
  • w2death.txt
  • w2new.txt
  • w2panel.txt


How to create Nihon University Japanese Longitudinal Study of Aging data set

    1. Open either the (japanese format and label) or (english format and label). Before running the program, the file structure path leading to the raw data should be specified in the sas program (line number: 4618)
    2. Open (data on the March 2000 short questionnaire respondents). Similar to step 1, the file structure path leading to the raw data should be specified in the sas program.
    3. Run the program The name of the dataset created will be w1data.
    4. The data sets created by these SAS programs are temporary SAS data sets. To create a permanent SAS data set, a libname statement should be inserted and a 2 level data set name should be specified at the DATA statement

varlist.xls contains variable numbers and corresponding question numbers.

The data are in two files. w1data_op.txt includes 4640 who were interviewed during the first round from October through December 1999. An additional 710 persons who did not respond due to hospitalization or institutionalization at the first attempt, were found in March when an attempt was made to follow up all nonrespondents.

*Information about the form and where to send it are available on the Request Data Page