Today we celebrate the news that the USC Family Caregiver Resource Center/LA Caregiver Resource Center (USC FCSC / LACRC) can reach out to more families and friends who are providing care to someone.
Caregivers need to take action today so that we can have help for the future. Please support California caregivers by signing and sharing this petition to increase funding.
Expiration of the Medicaid Home and Community Based Services spousal impoverishment would force more older adults into nursing homes and financial instability. Learn what you can do to change this now.
What do you want policy makers to know about family caregiver needs? Donna Benton, PhD of the USC FCSC/LACRC will be speaking at a community forum on Alzheimer's Disease with members of congress. RSVP required. Monday, November 19th at 5:30 pm
Although approximately 18.1 million California workers are covered by paid family Leave (PFL), many aren’t. What can we do to ensure all caregivers can use PFL?...Read the full report from HIP and CA Work & Family Coalition
We have an opportunity this year to improve the health and well-being of California’s seniors, Currently seniors are penalized by the Medi-Cal income limits. AB2430 will end this “senior penalty,” For more information on the bill and how to take action click here.
The USC Family Caregiver Support Center is pleased to celebrate the passage of the Recognize, Assist, Include, Support, and Engage (RAISE) Family Caregivers Act (S.1028/H.R. 3759).