
Research Papers

  • Garcia G*, Bar-Ziv R*, Averbukh M*, Dasgupta N, Dutta N, Zhang H, Fan W, Moaddeli D, Tsui CK, Torres TC, Alcala A, Moehle EA, Hoang S, Shalem O, Adams PD, Thorwald MA, Higuchi-Sanabria R (2022). Large-scale genetic screens identify BET-1 as a cytoskeleton regulator promoting actin function and life span. Aging Cell. *Equal contributions.
  • Frankino PA, Siddiqi TF, Bolas T, Bar-Ziv R, Gildea HK, Zhang H, Higuchi-Sanabria R, Dillin A (2022). SKN-1 regulates stress resistance downstream of amino catabolism pathways. iScience. DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.104571.
  • Torres TC*, Moaddeli D*, Averbukh M, Coakley AJ, Dutta N, Garcia G, Higuchi-Sanabria R (2022). Surveying Low-Cost Methods to Measure Lifespan and Healthspan in Caenorhabditis elegans. J Vis Exp. DOI: 10.3791/64091. *Equal contributions.
  • Cierra N. Sing, Garcia EJ, Lipkin TG, Huckaba TM, Tsang CA, Coughlin AC, Yang EJ, Boldogh IR, Higuchi-Sanabria R, Pon LA (2022). Nat Commun. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-30045-9.
  • Moehle EA*, Higuchi-Sanabria R*, Tsui CK, Homentcovschi S, Tharp KM, Zhang H, Chi H, Joe L, de los Rios Rogers M, Sahay A, Kelet N, Benitez C, Bar-Ziv R, Garcia G, Shen K, Frankino PA, Schinzel R, Shalem O, Dillin A (2021). Cross-species screening platforms identify EPS-8 as a critical link for mitochondrial stress and age-related actin stabilization. Sci Adv. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abj6818. *Equal contributions.
  • Vlassakis J, Hansen LL, Higuchi-Sanabria R, Zhou Y, Tsui CK, Dillin A, Huang H, Herr AE (2021). Measuring expression heterogeneity of single-cell cytoskeletal protein complexes. Nat Comm. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-25212-3.
  • Tharp KM, Higuchi-Sanabria R, Timblin GA, Ford B, Garzon-Coral C, Ford B, Schneider C, Muncie JM, Stashko C, Daniele JR, Moore AS, Frankino PA, Homentcovschi S, Manoli SS, Shao H, Richards AL, Chen K, Hoeve J, Ku GM, Hellerstein M, Nomura DK, Saijo K, Gestwicki J, Dunn AR, Nevan JK, Swaney DL, Dillin A, Weaver VM (2021). Adhesion-mediated mechanosignaling forces mitohormesis. Cell Metab. DOI: 1016/j.cmet.2021.04.017.
  • Higuchi-Sanabria R*, Durieux J*, Kelet N, Homentcovschi S, de los Rios Rogers M, Monshietehadi S, Garcia G, Dallarda S, Daniele JR, Ramachandran V, Sahay A, Tronnes SU, Joe L, Dillin A (2020). Divergent nodes of non-autonomous UPRER signaling through serotonergic and dopaminergic neurons. DOI: Cell Rep. 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.108489. *Equal contributions.
  • Higuchi-Sanabria R*, Shen K*, Kelet N, Frankino PA, Durieux J, Bar-Ziv R, Sing CN, Garcia EJ, Homentcovschi S, Sanchez M, Wu R, Tronnes SU, Joe L, Webster B, Ahilon-J/eronimo A, Monshietehadi S, Dallarda S, Pender C, Pon LA, Zoncu R, Dillin A (2020). Lysosomal recycling of amino acids impacts ER quality control. Sci Adv. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aaz9805. *Equal contributions.
  • Bar-Ziv R*, Frakes AE*, Higuchi-Sanabria R*, Bolas T, Frankino PA, Gildea HK, Metcalf MG, Dillin A (2020). Measurements of physiological stress responses in elegans. J Vis Exp. DOI:10.3791/61001. *Equal contributions.
  • Daniele JR*, Higuchi-Sanabria R*, Durieux J, Monshietehadi S, Ramachandran V, Tronnes SU, Kelet N, Sanchez M, Metcalf MG, Paul JW III, Garcia G, Frankino PA, Benitez C, Zeng M, Esping DJ, Dillin A (2020). UPRER promotes lipophagy independent of chaperones to extend lifespan. Sci. Adv. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aaz1441. *Equal contributions.
  • Schinzel R*, Higuchi-Sanabria R*, Shalem O*, Moehle EA, Webster BM, Joe L, Bar-Ziv R, Frankino PA, Durieux J, Pender C, Kelet N, Santhosh-Kumar S, Savalia N, Chi H, Simic M, Dillin A (2019). The hyaluronidase, TMEM2, promotes ER homeostasis and longevity independent of the UPRER in metazoans. Cell. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.10.018. *Equal contributions.
  • Garcia EJ, de Jonge J, Stivison EA, Sing CN, Higuchi-Sanabria R, Boldogh IR, Pon LA (2019). Reciprocal interactions between mtDNA and lifespan control in budding yeast. Mol Biol Cell. DOI: 10.1091/mbc.E18-06-0356.
  • Anderson EC, Frankino PA, Higuchi-Sanabria R, Qiming Y, Bian Q, Podshivolova K, Shin A, Kenyon C, Dillin A, Meyer BJ (2019). X chromosome domain architecture regulates lifespan, but not dosage compensation. Dev. Cell. DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2019.08.004.
  • Higuchi-Sanabria R, Paul JW III, Durieux J, Benitez C, Frankino PA, Tronnes SU, Garcia G, Daniele JR Monshietehadi S, Dillin A (2018). Spatial regulation of the actin cytoskeleton by HSF-1 during aging. Mol. Biol. Cell. DOI: 10.1091/mbc.E18-06-0362.
  • Higuchi-Sanabria R, Vevea JD, Charalel JC, Sapar ML, Pon LA (2016). The transcriptional repressor Sum1p counteracts Sir2p in regulation of the actin cytoskeleton, mitochondrial quality control, and replicative lifespan in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. Microbial Cell. DOI: 10.15698/mic2016.02.478.
  • Higuchi-Sanabria R, Garcia EJ, Munteanu EL, Tomoiaga D, Feinstein P, Pon LA (2016). Characterization of fluorescent proteins for three- and four-color live-cell imaging in cerevisiae. PLoS One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0146120.
  • Higuchi-Sanabria R, Charalel JK, Viana M, Garcia EJ, Koenigsberg A, Swayne  TC, Vevea JD, Boldogh I, Rafelski S, Pon LA (2016). Mitochondrial anchorage and fusion contribute to mitochondrial inheritance and quality control in the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol Biol Cell. DOI: 10.1091/mbc.E15-07-0455.
  • Higuchi R, Vevea JD, Swayne TC, Chojnowski R, Hill V, Boldogh IR, Pon LA (2013). Actin dynamics affects mitochondrial quality control and aging in budding yeast. Curr. Biol. 23, 2417-2422. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2013.10.022.


  • Dutta N, Garcia G, Higuchi-Sanabria R (2022). Hijacking Cellular Stress Responses to Promote Lifespan. Front Aging. DOI: 10.3389/fragi.2022.860404.
  • Homentcovschi S, Higuchi-Sanabria R (2022). Sensing and signaling ER stress. Neural Regen Res. DOI: 4103/1673-5374.317967.
  • Metcalf MG*, Higuchi-Sanabria R*, Garcia G, Tsui CK, Dillin A (2020). Beyond the cell factory: homeostatic regulation of and by the UPRER. Sci Adv. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abb9614. *equal contributions.
  • Higuchi-Sanabria R, Frankino PA, Paul JW III, Tronnes SU, Dillin A (2018). A futile battle? Cellular quality control throughout the stress of aging. Dev. Cell. DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2017.12.020.
  • Higuchi-Sanabria R, Pernice WM, Vevea JD, Alessi Wolken DM, Boldogh IR, Pon LA (2014). Role of asymmetric cell division in lifespan control in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. FEMS Yeast. 14 (8), 1133-1146. DOI 10.1111/1567-1364.12216.


  • Garcia G, Homentcovschi S, Kelet N, Higuchi-Sanabria R (2022). Imaging of actin cytoskeletal integrity during aging in C. elegans. Methods Mol Biol. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-1661-1_5.
  • Liao P*, Higuchi-Sanabria R*, Swayne TC, Sing CN, Pon LA (2020). Live-cell imaging of mitochondrial motility and interactions in Drosophila neurons and yeast. Methods Mol Biol. DOI: 10.1016/bs.mcb.2019.11.011. *equal contributions.
  • Higuchi-Sanabria R, Swayne TC, Boldogh IR, Pon LA (2016). Imaging of the actin cytoskeleton and mitochondria in fixed budding yeast cells. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3124-8_3.
  • Higuchi-Sanabria R, Swayne TC, Pon LA. Live-cell imaging of mitochondria and the actin cytoskeleton in budding yeast (2016). Methods Mol Biol. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3124-8_2.
  • Srivastava P, Alessi Wolken DM, Garcia-Rodriguez LJ, Higuchi-Sanabria R, Pon LA (2015). Organelle inheritance in yeast and other fungi. The Mycota.