Multidisciplinary Research Training in Gerontology
The Multidisciplinary Research Training in Gerontology Program supports predoctoral and postdoctoral students whose research focus is on factors influencing human physical and mental health and aging. The aim of this program is to support the next generation of scientists working on aspects of aging. This program is supported by a grant from the Behavioral and Social Science Division of the National Institute on Aging to the Leonard Davis School of Gerontology Center at USC. It is directed by Eileen M. Crimmins, AARP Professor of Gerontology, and co-directed by Mara Mather, Professor of Gerontology and Psychology at the USC Leonard Davis School.
This program supports seven predoctoral trainees and five postdoctoral trainees per year. Postdoctoral trainees can be from a variety of fields with relevant research including Gerontology, Demography, Sociology, Economics, Public Health, Medicine, Public Policy, Psychology, Biology, Social Work and Neuroscience. Predoctoral trainees can be in the Gerontology, Medicine, Public Policy, Psychology, Biology, and Neuroscience. All trainees are expected to become familiar with the study of aging across multiple disciplines. Trainees are mentored by a member of the training faculty. These awards consist of fellowship stipends, tuition, health insurance, and a travel allowance.
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Contact Us
Jennifer Ailshire, PhD
Professor of Gerontology and Sociology
Associate Dean of Research
Associate Dean of International Programs and Global Initiatives
Office Phone: (213) 740-1707
Eileen Crimmins, PhD
University Professor
AARP Chair in Gerontology
Office Phone: (213) 740-1707
Mara Mather, PhD
Professor of Gerontology, Psychology, and Biomedical Engineering
Office Phone: (213) 821-1868

Linda Hall
Research Administrator
Office Phone: (213) 740-8242