The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care dataset documents how medical resources are distributed and used in the United States. It uses primary data collected by Medicare. Data are organized topically by year, with multiple levels of geographic specificity usually provided for each topic.

Data Summary

Dataset Name: Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care
Data Source: Dartmouth University
Years: Range from 1992 to 2011
Geographies: Hospitals, HSAs, HRRs, Counties, States (plus Washington, D.C. and US National aggregates for State-level files)

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Suggested Citation:

Jennifer Ailshire and Matthew M. Young. 2018. Contextual Data Resource (CDR): Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care by Hospitals, HSAs, HRRs, Counties and States, 1992-2011. Version 1.0. Los Angeles, CA: USC/UCLA Center on Biodemography and Population Health.


Data Sources

Dartmouth University Economic,