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SuperAgers Stories

Shig Eddow 4:19

Meet 101-year-old SuperAger Shiganega Eddow. From climbing mountains to spending time with family, he proves that prioritizing what matters most is key to wellness.

Interview Date: January 2024

Florence Brownfield 5:35

Meet Florence Brownfield. She says the key to a long, healthy life is simple – get your steps in, and make new friends!

Interview Date: July 2022

Thad Mosley 5:33

At 96 years old, sculptor Thaddeus Mosley has never been more in demand. The Baltimore Museum of Art showcased five of his recent works as part of a traveling tour that also includes a stop in Los Angeles.

Interview Date: August 2022

Frances Ito 6:35

Meet 90-year-old SuperAger Frances Ito. From maintaining a balanced diet to staying active with the help of good friends, pursuing hobbies, and traveling, she proves that age is just a number.

Interview Date: August 2022