This recruitment cycle for this study has concluded.  Please check back in early 2024, as we will begin recruiting for an upcoming study.

Now enrolling!  USC HeartBEAM study seeks 50-70 year old volunteers to join 12 week brain and heart health training study.

USC HeartBEAM (Breathing Effects on Attention and Memory) Study Description

The main purpose of this study is to examine whether people can modulate their own physiology in ways that enhance brain plasticity and new learning. Throughout each day, our heart rate changes so that our bodies and brain can meet current demands. When we need to take action, one part of our nervous system helps to energize us. When we want to relax, another part of our nervous system helps us calm down. Both of these systems show significant declines in aging. In this study, we will train you in a breathing technique that promotes one of these two systems and test how this influences how quickly your brain adapts to new skills. You will be asked to do both brain game training and paced breathing exercises every day.

Key Study Details

  • Must attend 5 in-person lab visits over 12 weeks.
  • Lab visits are 2-3 hours long and will take place Monday through Friday, 9AM-6PM.
  • Lab visits will start at either 9AM, 12PM, or 3PM.  You will choose the time that best fits your schedule, and all 5 lab visits will have the same start time.
  • Must complete up to an hour of daily home assignments (e.g. assessments, brain games, breathing practice) for duration of study.

What to expect

Duration:  12 weeks

Lab Visits:  You will visit the lab 5 times to complete 2 EEG and 3 MRI sessions and other assessments. At the MRI lab visits, you will be asked to complete a blood draw and urine collection.  Each lab visit will be 2-3 hours long.

Lab visits will take place Monday through Friday, between the hours of 9AM-6PM.

All lab visits will take place at the USC University Park Campus.

Home Assignments:  You will also be asked to complete daily home assignments, which will take approximately 50-60 minutes each day. You will be randomly assigned to one of the two paced breathing conditions.

Study Timeline:  See below for a general study timeline.

Payment:  You may earn up to $550 for the study.  If you travel from an off-site location, a USC parking pass will be pre-paid and reserved for you.

You may be eligible if you:

  • Are a healthy adult between 50-70 years old
  • Are fluent in English
  • Weigh at least 110 pounds (minimum weight for blood draws)
  • (Females only) Are non-pregnant and postmenopausal (i.e., last menstrual period was a year or more ago)
  • Have normal or corrected-to-normal vision and hearing
  • Have a home computer with a physical keyboard and have access to reliable internet
  • Have an email account that you check regularly and a phone that receives text messages
  • Have good heart health (no abnormal cardiac rhythm; heart disease including coronary artery disease, angina, and arrhythmia; dyspnea (difficult or labored breathing)
  • Have good cognitive health (i.e. no cognitive impairment)
  • Do NOT regularly practice any relaxation, biofeedback, or breathing technique (e.g., meditation) for more than an hour a week
  • Do NOT regularly play Lumosity games in the past 6 months
  • Have NOT participated in heart rate biofeedback studies at the USC Emotion & Cognition Lab

General Study Timeline

Day 1Lab Visit 1 (1 hour): blood draw, surveys, breathing exercise introductionUSC University Park Campus
Day 2-7Breathing exercises (40 min every day)Home
Day 8Lab Visit 2 (1 hour): blood draw, surveysUSC University Park Campus

* During the EEG (electroencephalogram) session, we will measure your brain’s electrical activity (taken by surface electrodes placed on the scalp) and physiological responses (e.g. heart rate and pupil dilation). You will be asked to rest quietly or perform tasks, such as viewing or listening to different types of stimuli and responding to them in various ways. Some of these stimuli will be paired with low-intensity electrical stimulation (shock) and you may experience a tingling sensation. You will be allowed to determine the intensity of the stimulation so that it may be unpleasant but not painful.

** During the MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) session, you will be asked to simply rest (i.e., do nothing without falling asleep) while lying in the scanner.  While the overall MRI lab visit is 2.5 hours long, the MRI scan itself will only take an hour, which includes time to enter and exit the scanner.

Questions? Contact us at or (213) 761-5015.