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Network on Life Course Health Dynamics & Disparities

in 21st Century America


UPCOMING: Population Association of America 2025 Annual Meeting

Population Association of America Annual Meeting April 10 – April 13, 2025 in Washington DC. Network Event Saturday, April 12 from 5PM-7PM. More details to come.


NLCHDD Pilot Proposals

We have a call out for pilots.

The Network on Life Course Health Dynamics and Disparities in 21st Century America (NLCHDD) is an interdisciplinary group of scientists at the forefront of research on the social determinants of US population health and health disparities.

Adult health and longevity in the United States lag well behind other wealthy countries. Despite widening recognition of this crisis, we have only a limited understanding of its causes and few strategies to reverse them. Importantly, the level and nature of this crisis varies across geographic contexts.

The NLCHDD brings together emerging and established scholars from a broad range of disciplines and supports activities aimed at generating new evidence to better understand the trends and disparities in U.S. adult health and longevity across the life course and in geographic context. The primary purpose of the NLCHDD is to further develop the scientific groundwork, human capital, and data and analytic infrastructure to answer critical questions about the U.S. health crisis. The network accomplishes this objective by building a consortium of researchers with expertise in the determinants of health and mortality across the life course, a wide range of explanatory pathways and mechanisms (psychological, behavioral, and biological), and multiple levels of geographic context.

Network Activities

  • Direct attention and resources toward research on the multi-layered determinants of U.S. adult health and longevity, with a focus on how state and local contexts—separately and collectively—shape trends and disparities in adult health and longevity across the life course.

  • Strategically grow the interdisciplinary Network of emerging, established, and underrepresented scientists who will collaborate to investigate the key scientific questions.

  • Provide development and training opportunities for Network scientists via pilot grants, grant proposal mentoring, working groups, and annual meetings.

  • Develop and disseminate data and analytic resources to foster innovative research on the key scientific questions and advance science in this critical area.

A partnership between

For more information or questions about the NLCHDD, contact us at

For all pilot proposals or publications, please reference grant # R24AG045061.