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California’s Caregiver Resource Centers have seen a 74% cut in funding since 2009! Budget Committees and Sub-committees will be meeting this week and now is the time to FAX letters to express your support for restored funding. A sample letter to Senator Holly Mitchell and Senator Tony Thurmond follows (you may click here to download a MSWord version of the letter). A list of committee members and FAX numbers follows the letter below. If you are short on time, and you are able to make phone calls, legislators’ phone numbers are also included. Thank you, as always, for your support!

May 19, 2015

The Honorable Holly Mitchell
Chair, Senate Budget Subcommittee #3 on Health and Human Services
State Capitol, Room 5080
Sacramento, CA 95814

The Honorable Tony Thurmond
Chair, Assembly Budget Subcommittee #1 on Health and Human Services
State Capitol, Room 5150
Sacramento, CA 95184

RE: Restoration of Funding Levels for the California Caregiver Resource Centers: $2.9 million GF

Dear Senator Mitchell and Assemblymember Thurmond:

I am writing on behalf of California’s Caregiver Resource Centers (CRCs) to express my support for the budget restoration of the statewide Caregiver Resource Centers which have endured a 74% cut since 2009. This partial restoration estimated at a modest $2.9 million, will be used to ensure that unpaid family caregivers caring for those with Alzheimer’s and related dementia, stoke, Parkinson’s or other cognitive and physical disabilities receive the care they need and deserve. It is essential to restore the funding level for the CRCs so that Californians can live in their own homes with dignity and independence rather than using more costly institutional care.

The reduction in funds had a major impact on unpaid family caregivers, cutting off or reducing CRC services and eliminating the safety net where services ceased. Restoring core CRC services is needed to serve working caregivers, aid the increasing aging population of baby boomers and their parents, and support the federal & state movement to receive care in the home – not an institution.

These family caregivers are the invisible but essential long-term care workforce in the state providing up to 80% of support services at a value of over $47 billion per year. The tasks family caregivers provide range from household assistance to care coordination to personal care and performing medical tasks to those who need the most assistance.

The CRC’s are the indispensable cornerstone for families as their needs change. A typical unpaid caregiver provides assistance at an average of over 20 hours per week for five years or longer. Baby boomer woman, the majority of whom (64%) are in the workforce are the face of caregiving today. CRC services include those that help families plan care, provide direct care and include self-care for those unpaid caregivers who mostly care alone.

The CRCs are the eldercare resource for small and medium size business in the state that directly reduces employee costs in health and absenteeism. Working is essential to women who head households and to those two-income families for economic stability now and for retirement savings and income in the future.

As the State moves to managed care for the dually eligible Medi-Cal population, family caregivers are a critical component for success. The vast majority of older adults receiving LTSS services through waiver programs have unpaid supports that are critical to staying at home. The CRC’s work with all unpaid caregivers regardless of income status and provide additional support to those using other public services targeted to the person with disabilities.

We respectfully request your support for the $2.9 million restoration for the Caregiver Resource Centers to help California’s family caregivers. Please contact Family Caregiver Alliance if you have any questions at 415-434-3388.


Your name _________

cc: The Honorable Kevin De Leon, President Pro Tempore
The Honorable Toni Atkins, Speaker of the Assembly
The Honorable Mark Leno, Chair, Senate Committee on Budget
The Honorable Shirley Weber, Chair, Assembly Committee on Budget
The Honorable Members of the Senate Committee on Budget
The Honorable Members of the Assembly Committee on Budget


Assembly Budget Subcommitee #1 Health & Human Services

The Honorable Tony Thurmond
FAX 916-319-2115
TEL 916-319-2015 (Capitol office; 510-286-1400 (Oakland office)

Rob Bonta, Oakland
FAX 916-319-2118 (Capitol office)
TEL 916-319-2018 (Capitol office); 510-286-1670 (Oakland office)

David Chu, San Francisco
FAX 916-319-2117 (Capitol office)
TEL 916-319-2017 (Capitol office); 415-557-3013 (SF office)

Shannon Grove, Bakersfield
FAX 916-319-2134 (Capitol office)
TEL 916-319-2034 (Capitol office); 661-395-2995 (Bakersfield office)

Brian W. Jones, Santee
FAX 916-319-2171 (Capitol office)
TEL 916-319-2071 (Capitol office); 619-441-2322 (Santee office)

Alternate Melissa Melendez, Murrieta
FAX 916-319-2167 (Capitol office)
TEL 916-319-2067 (Capitol office); 951-894-1232

Chair of Budget Committee and Speaker

Shirley Weber, San Diego
FAX 916-319-2179 (Capitol office)
TEL 916-319-2079 (Capitol office); 619-531-7913 (San Diego office)

Toni Atkins
FAX 916-319-2178 (Capitol office)
TEL 916-319-2078 (Capitol office); 619-645-3090

Senate Budget Subcommittee #3 Health & Human Services

The Honorable Holly Mitchell
FAX 916-651-4930 (Capitol office)
TEL 916-651-4030 (Capitol office); 213-745-6656 (Los Angeles office)

Bill Monning, Monterey
FAX 916-651-4917 (Capitol office);
TEL: 916-651-4017 (Capitol office); 805-549-3784 (San Luis Obispo);
831-657-6315 (Monterey); 831-425-0401 (Santa Cruz); 408-847-6101 (Gilroy)

Jeff Stone, Murrieta
FAX 916-651-4928 (Capitol office)
TEL 916-651-4028 (Capitol office); 760-398-6442 (Indio); 951-894-3530 (Murrieta)

Chair of the Budget and Fiscal Review Committee and
 President Pro Tempore

Mark Leno
FAX 916-651-4911 (Capitol office)
TEL 916-651-4011 (Capitol office); 415-557-1300 (San Francisco)

Kevin De Leon
FAX 916-651-4924 (Capitol office)
TEL 916-651-4024 (Capitol office); 213-483-9300 (Los Angeles office)