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Better Together: Dementia Care Study

We want to learn more about the daily life and social supports for people with dementia. We hope to learn more about the relationship between those with dementia and their care partners. We are asking people like you, who have dementia or care for someone with dementia, to help us.

USC Invites YOU to take part in the Better Together Dementia Care Study

What We Hope To Learn…
We hope to learn more about the relationship between those with dementia and their care partner
Would you like to share your valued experience to make a difference for others?

Please Fill Out Our Interest Form:

Full Flyer w/ Eligibility Information below:



Care3 helps community-based care managers bring providers, patients, & families together as a team to deliver the best care to keep people in their homes and out of the hospital.

Care3™, a leading  developer of mobile health technology, has announced a partnership with the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology and their Family Caregiver Support Center to provide care planning and secure communication resources to all Los Angeles Caregiver Resource Center clients and their families.

Colaboration Announcement

Care3 Mobile App

Dementia Friends California

As part of Purposeful Aging Los Angeles, Alzheimer’s Greater Los Angeles recently launched Dementia Friends California, a social movement that is changing the way people think, act, and talk about dementia. By becoming a Dementia Friend, individuals can help build dementia friendly communities.  Attend a session and learn about dementia and how it affects people. Everyone can help someone touched by dementia. Become a Dementia Friend today!

Los Angeles Caregiver Landscape Report and Data Chartbook

Los Angeles Caregiver Landscape Analysis Report

To support the development of a countywide ADRD strategic plan that addresses policy, systems, and environmental changes, in 2021, the Los Angeles Department of Public Health helped to launch the three-year Los Angeles County Building Our Largest Dementia Infrastructure for Alzheimer’s Act Initiative (LA BOLD). The University of Southern California Family Caregiver Support Center (USC FCSC) assumed oversight of the Los Angeles Caregiver Landscape Analysis, a critical part of the initiative. The goal of the analysis is to identify, understand, and respond to the diverse needs of family caregivers in Los Angeles County (LAC) with a set of actionable recommendations.

Los Angeles Caregiver Landscape Analysis Data Chartbook

The tables and figures in this Chartbook summarize primary and secondary data used to identify Los Angeles family caregivers and their needs for the Los Angeles Caregiver Landscape Analysis

M2OVE—AD: Molecular Mechanisms of the Vascular Etiology of Alzheimer’s Disease

There is a national team of researchers working to MOVE solutions forward around cure and treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease.  This short video discusses that MOVEment.

Click Here to View the Video


The SCAN Foundation

LifePlans, Inc: A Report and Two Briefs on Satisfaction with LTSS

Long-term services and supports are about personal care assistance with activities that must be performed daily.  The quality of this care is of the highest importance to people making decisions about where to receive it and how to improve it.

Please also read:

The Spasticity Alliance

The National Alliance for Caregiving is proud to partner with the Spasticity Alliance to educate stroke survivors and caregivers about mobility challenges such as spasticity, paralysis and foot drop. Spasticity is a condition where certain muscles are continuously contracted, creating muscle stiffness and tightness. Those who suffer from spasticity often face difficulty moving, speaking, and have gait issues.

Does your care recipient suffer from spasticity? If so, we want to hear from you.

  • Seeking caregivers of stroke victims who suffer from spasticity
  • Your caregiver story will appear on the Spasticity Alliance’s website
  • The goal is to build a caregiver support network for those caring for someone with spasticity

To share your story, please email with your contact information and a brief description of your story.

USC’s Memory and Aging Center (MAC)

is a university-based research center that provides state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment services. It includes USC’s Alzheimer Disease Research Center (ADRC) and two State of California Alzheimer Disease Centers (ADC). The USC-ADRC pioneered in dementia research and treatment. In 1984, USC was awarded the earliest funding by the National Institute of Aging to establish a research center focused on Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders.

Click Here to View New discoveries.