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California Caregiver Resource Centers Budget Request of $12M for Next Three Years

Target: Governor Gavin Newsom and Members of the California State Legislature
Region: United States of America

COVID-19 has increased family caregiver responsibilities and amplified caregiving burdens. Added stressors have hit all caregivers hard and hit Black and Latino communities even harder. Extending the CRCs augmentation of $12M per year for the next three years (to June 2024) will allow them to continue expanding personalized, compassionate, and evidence-based services to family caregivers, more than half of whom work outside the home in addition to working as unpaid caregivers at home.

The request will allow the CRCs to increase the number of family caregivers receiving services and expand their capacities to develop and implement a statewide diversity and inclusion corps to focus on underserved caregiver groups (English language limited, ethnically diverse, young, LGBTQ and those who provide complex care).

Read More and Sign the Petition Here!