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The Senate is promising to vote on the American Health Care Act (AHCA) before July 4, a bill that would cause insurance costs for older adults to rise steeply (up to 950% for some) and cut Medicaid by $800 billion. The devastating cuts to Medicaid would cause states to cut services and limit enrollment in a program that millions of older adults rely on for

As we grow older or care for older loved ones, one thing remains certain—the desire to age with dignity, choice, and independence. Managing multiple health conditions or the responsibilities of caregiving can be taxing, with many not knowing what services and supports may be available. That’s why we at The SCAN Foundation wanted to create an easy list of questions to ask yourself, loved ones, and your care providers to help make the seemingly unmanageable, become manageable.

Our list of 10 Things—essential questions and resources on aging with dignity and independence—aids older adults and their loved ones by asking important, and sometimes tough, care and aging questions to support greater independence in aging. Go through these 10 Things with a family member or friend today and let us know what you think in the comments.

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