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Yesterday, the House of Representatives passed the bipartisan Recognize, Assist, Include, Support, and Engage (RAISE) Family Caregivers Act (S. 1028/H.R. 3759). The bill directs the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to develop, maintain, and periodically update a National Family Caregiving Strategy. The bill also calls on HHS to convene a Family Caregiving Advisory Council to advise it on recognizing and supporting family caregivers. This Council will be comprised of relevant federal agency representatives as well as family caregivers, older adults with long-term services and support needs, health care providers, and other key players in the caregiving community.
The passage of the RAISE Act is a significant victory for caregivers, care recipients, and caregiver advocates–but our work does not stop here.Although the bill already passed unanimously in the Senate back in September, it must now return to the Senate for language approval and consolidation. Advocates should now encourage their Senators to pass the RAISE Act without delay, so that it can be signed into law by the President as soon as possible.
Thank you to everyone who worked so hard for the passage of this bill. The RAISE Act will bolster family caregivers in a meaningful way, and its passage is a promising victory as we head into 2018.
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