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Free Training Courses

  • For paid caregivers (in-home and community-based settings) of older adults and people with disabilities
    • Online course, video and text-based
    • Offered in English (Spanish and Mandarin coming soon!)
    • Complete the course on your own, at your own time
    • Each course takes 1-3 hours to complete, depending on the course level
  • Earn a certificate from the University of Southern California Leonard Davis School of Gerontology for each course you complete
    • A course is considered complete once you achieve a passing score of 80% on its quizzes
    • Certificates will be e-mailed within 5 business days of course completion
  • Earn Incentive Payments – Earn Up to $3,000!
    • If eligible, for each course that you take, you can submit your certificate of completion to CalGrows for payment. Earn $30/hour spent, up to $1,500!
    • You can earn up earn an additional $1,500 in incentives through the CalGrows system
    • You must submit proof of course completion by August 31, 2024, in order to receive incentives

Registration in Mandarin coming soon.

Courses are available now through Aug 31, 2024

Offered in English, Spanish, and Mandarin is a California Department of Aging Program

Who is this training for?

Direct care workers, in-home and community-based caregivers of older adults and people with disabilities including:

  • Certified Nursing Assistant
  • Home Care Aide
  • Caregiver
  • Care Coordinators/Care Manager
  • Dementia Care Specialist
  • Personal Care Assistant
  • Activities Coordinator

Only direct care workers in California are eligible for incentives through CalGrows, but the free online courses are available for all unpaid caregivers, family, and friends who want to learn more about taking care of an older adult or an adult with disabilities.

How do I take the training?

Training is web-based. It is provided in an online format and will be offered in English, Spanish, and Mandarin.

Take 21 courses at your own pace. There are 16 general topics, plus 5 advanced course topics. Courses can be completed from the comfort of your own computer. You can pause and come back to courses, too. Course information will be shared through videos, text, and interactive activities. The first two courses take 1 hour to complete. The remaining general courses take 2 hours to complete. The advanced courses take 3 hours to complete. Each course contains quizzes to test your knowledge. You must pass a course with 80% in order to receive a certificate of completion.

Remember—you can submit your certificates for money! $30/1hr, $60/2 hr, and if you take all courses successfully, you can earn $1,500!

No Wi-Fi? No problem. Wi-Fi hotspots will be available at no charge – just let us know!


*Courses 17-21 are advanced.

What will I receive after taking the training?

Online training completion: You can take as many courses as you would like. Earn at least 80% on each course’s quizzes in order to pass.

After completing an online course, you will receive a digital certificate of completion from the University of Southern California Leonard Davis School of Gerontology. You can submit proof of course completion to CalGrows to receive your incentive payment. Remember, unpaid family and friend caregivers do not qualify.

What is the cost?

The training is free. There is no cost to take the online training. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for paid direct care workers to take the training courses.

Eligible caregivers can earn incentive payments for completing the training! Learn more about incentives.

CalGrows is a California Department of Aging (CDA) program designed to support caregivers of older adults and people with disabilities by improving their skills through in-person classes and online training courses, enabling them to earn up to $4,500 in incentive payments. Learn more at