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High Income Countries

Beltrán-Sánchez, H., Finch, C. E., & Crimmins, E. M. (2015). Twentieth century surge of excess adult male mortality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112(29), 8993–8998.

Beltrán-Sánchez, H., Soneji, S., & Crimmins, E. M. (2015). Past, Present, and Future of Healthy Life Expectancy. Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicine, 5(11), a025957.

Crimmins E. M. (2015). Physiological Differences Across Populations Reflecting Early Life and Later Life Nutritional Status and Later Life Risk for Chronic Disease. Journal of population ageing, 8(1-2), 51–69.

Saito, Y., Davarian, S., Takahashi, A., Schneider, E., & Crimmins, E. M. (2015). Diagnosis and Control of Hypertension in the Elderly Populations of Japan and the United States. International journal of population studies, 1(1), 19–28.

E. M. Crimmins, S. H. Preston, and B. Cohen (Eds). Explaining Diverging Levels of Longevity in High-Income Countries.  Panel on Understanding Divergent Trends in Longevity in High-Income Countries; National Research Council, 2011.

Richard Rogers and Eileen Crimmins (Eds). International Handbook of Adult Mortality, Springer; Dordrecht, Netherlands, 2011.

E. M. Crimmins, S. H. Preston, and B. Cohen (Eds). International Differences in Mortality at Older Ages:  Dimensions and Sources, Panel on Understanding Divergent Trends in Longevity in High-Income Countries; National Research Council, 2010.

Solé-Auró, A., Michaud, P. C., Hurd, M., & Crimmins, E. (2015). Disease incidence and mortality among older Americans and Europeans. Demography, 52(2), 593–611.

Eileen M. Crimmins, Aïda Solé-Auró, Life Expectancy, Health, and Functioning Among the 85-Plus Population in Europe and the United States, Public Policy & Aging Report, Volume 23, Issue 2, Spring 2013, Pages 3–9.

Solé-Auró, A., & Crimmins, E. M. (2013). The Oldest Old Health in Europe and the United States. Annual Review of Gerontology & Geriatrics, 33(1), 1–33.

Krista Garcia and Eileen Crimmins.  2013. Cancer screening in the U.S. and Europe: Policies, practices, and trends in cancer incidence and mortality. In: N. Hoque, M. McGehee, B. Bradshaw (Eds.). Applied Demography and Public Health. New York: Springer. Chapter 9.

Solé-Auró, A., & Crimmins, E. mM. (2014). Who cares? A comparison of informal and formal care provision in Spain, England and the USA. Ageing and Society, 34(3), 495–517.

French, D. J., Browning, C., Kendig, H., Luszcz, M. A., Saito, Y., Sargent-Cox, K., & Anstey, K. J. (2012). A simple measure with complex determinants: Investigation of the correlates of self-rated health in older men and women from three continents. BMC Public Health, 12(1), 649–649.

Oksuzyan, A., Crimmins, E., Saito, Y., O’Rand, A., Vaupel, J. W., & Christensen, K. (2010). Cross-national comparison of sex differences in health and mortality in Denmark, Japan and the US. European Journal of Epidemiology, 25(7), 471–480.

Crimmins, E. M., Kim, J. K., & Solé-Auró, A. (2011). Gender differences in health: Results from SHARE, ELSA and HRS. European Journal of Public Health, 21(1), 81–91.

Shultz, K. S., Wang, M., Crimmins, E. M., & Fisher, G. G. (2010). Age Differences in the Demand—Control Model of Work Stress: An Examination of Data From 15 European Countries. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 29(1), 21–47.

Eileen Crimmins, Krista Garcia, and Jung Ki Kim.   2010. Are International Differences in Health Similar to International Differences in Life-Expectancy? In International Differences in Mortality at Older Ages:  Dimensions and SourcesEileen M. Crimmins, Samuel H. Preston, and Barney Cohen, Editors; Panel on Understanding Divergent Trends in Longevity in High-Income Countries; National Research Council, pp. 68-101. Bookshelf ID: NBK62588

Robine, J. M., Cheung, S. L., Saito, Y., Jeune, B., Parker, M. G., & Herrmann, F. R. (2010). Centenarians Today: New Insights on Selection from the 5-COOP Study. Current gerontology and geriatrics research, 2010, 120354.

Robine, J.-M., Saito, Y., & Jagger, C. (2009). The relationship between longevity and healthy life expectancy. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, 10(2), 5–14.

Crimmins, E. M., Hayward, M. D., Hagedorn, A., Saito, Y., & Brouard, N. (2009). Change in Disability-Free Life Expectancy for Americans 70 Years Old and Older. Demography, 46(3), 627–646.

Drevenstedt, G. L., Crimmins, E. M., Vasunilashorn, S., & Finch, C. E. (2008). rise and fall of excess male infant mortality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences – PNAS, 105(13), 5016–5021.

Crimmins, E. M., Hayward, M. D., Ueda, H., Saito, Y., & Kim, J. K. (2008). Life With and Without Heart Disease Among Women and Men Over 50. Journal of Women & Aging, 20(1–2), 5–19.

Reynolds, S. L., Hagedorn, A., Yeom, J., Saito, Y., Yokoyama, E., & Crimmins, E. M. (2008). A tale of two countries-the United States and Japan: Are differences in health due to differences in overweight? Journal of Epidemiology, 18(6), 280–290.

Crimmins, E. M., Vasunilashorn, S., Kim, J. K., Hagedorn, A., & Saito, Y. (2008). A Comparison of Biological Risk Factors in Two Populations: The United States and Japan. Population and Development Review, 34(3), 457–482.

Kristen Suthers, Yasuhiko Saito, and Eileen Crimmins. 2003. Emotional Well-Being Among Older Persons: A Comparative Analysis of the 70+ Population in Japan and the United States. In Advances in Quality-of Life Theory and Research, edited by M.J. Sirgy, D. Rahtz, and A.S. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 41-52.

High and Low Income Countries

Wheaton, F. V., & Crimmins, E. M. (2016). Female disability disadvantage: a global perspective on sex differences in physical function and disability. Ageing and Society, 36(6), 1136–1156.

Crimmins, E. M. (2015). Physiological Differences Across Populations Reflecting Early Life and Later Life Nutritional Status and Later Life Risk for Chronic Disease. Journal of Population Ageing, 8(1–2), 51–69.

Vasunilashorn, S., Kim, J. K., & Crimmins, E. M. (2013). International differences in the links between obesity and physiological dysregulation: the United States, England, and Taiwan. Journal of obesity, 618056.

Crimmins, E., Wheaton, F., Vasunilashorn, S., Beltrán-Sánchez, H., Zhang, L., Kim, J.K. 2013. A Global Perspective on Physiological Change with Age. In McDaniel S.A. and Zimmer Z, editors, Global Ageing in the Twenty-First Century: Challenges, Opportunities and Implications.  Ashgate Publishing Ltd: England, pp. 79-103.

Goldman, N., Turra, C. M., Rosero-Bixby, L., Weir, D., & Crimmins, E. (2011). Do biological measures mediate the relationship between education and health: A comparative study. Social Science & Medicine (1982), 72(2), 307–315.

염지혜(Ji Hye Yeom), 김정기(Jung Ki Kim), & Eileen M. Crimmins. (2009). Factors Associated with Body Mass Index(BMI) Among Older Adults: A Comparison Study of the U.S., Japan, and Korea. Han’guk Nonyonhak = Journal of Korea Gerontological Society, 29(4), 1479–1500.


Zhao, Y., Crimmins, E. M., Hu, P., Shen, Y., Smith, J. P., Strauss, J., Wang, Y., & Zhang, Y. (2016). Prevalence, diagnosis, and management of diabetes mellitus among older Chinese: results from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study. International Journal of Public Health, 61(3), 347–356.

Zachary Zimmer, Mira Hidajat, Yasuhiko Saito. Changes in total and disability-free life ex-pectancy among older adults in China: Do they portend a compression of morbidity?. International Journal of Population Studies 2015, 1(1), 4–18.

Chen, H., Wang, H., Crimmins, E. M., Chen, G., Huang, C., & Zheng, X. (2014). The Contributions of Diseases to Disability Burden Among the Elderly Population in China. Journal of Aging and Health, 26(2), 261–282.

Gu, D., Zhou, J., Yong, V., Sautter, J., & Saito, Y. (2013). Age Differential Effects of Severity of Visual Impairment on Mortality Among Older Adults in China. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 32(7), 876–888.

Yong, V., Gu, D., Chen, M., & Saito, Y. (2011). Expected Lifetime with and without Cataract among Older Adults in China. Journal of Population Ageing, 4(1–2), 65–79.


Cruz, Grace and Anna Melissa Lavares, Maria Paz N. Marquez, Josefina N. Natividad and Yasuhiko Saito. 2014. Gender and Economic Well-being among the Filipino Older People. In Theresa W. Devasahayam (ed.), Gender and Ageing: Southeast Asian Perspectives. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore, pp. 288-314.

Natividad, Josefina N., Grace T.  Cruz and Yasuhiko Saito. 2014. Work, retirement and the gender divide in the Philippines. In Theresa W. Devasahayam (ed.), Gender and Ageing: Southeast Asian Perspectives. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore, pp. 315-338.

Cruz, Grace, Joefrey B.  Abalos,   Melissa C. Lavares, Josefina N. Natividad and Yasuhiko Saito. 2009. Changing Social Structures and the well-being of the Older Filipinos. Transactions of the National Academy of Science and Technology (Philippines), 31(2):197-222.

Cruz, G. T., Natividad, J. N., & Saito, Y. (2007). Active Life Expectancy and Functional Health Transition among Filipino Older People. Canadian Studies in Population, 34(1), 29–47.


Chiu, C. T., Malhotra, R., Tan, S. M., Lim, J., Chan, A., Teoh, K. H., Gan, S. T., & Saito, Y. (2017). Dental health status of community-dwelling older Singaporeans: findings from a nationally representative survey. Gerodontology, 34(1), 57–67.

Chan, A., Malhotra, R., Matchar, D. B., Ma, S., & Saito, Y. (2016). Gender, educational and ethnic differences in active life expectancy among older Singaporeans. Geriatrics & gerontology international, 16(4), 466–473.

Yong, V., Saito, Y., & Chan, A. (2011). Gender differences in health and health expectancies of older adults in Singapore: an examination of diseases, impairments, and functional disabilities. Journal of cross-cultural gerontology, 26(2), 189–203.

Yong, V., Saito, Y., & Chan, A. (2010). Changes in the prevalence of mobility limitations and mobile life expectancy of older adults in Singapore, 1995-2005. Journal of aging and health, 22(1), 120–140.


Tareque, M. I., Saito, Y., & Kawahara, K. (2015). Healthy life expectancy and the correlates of self-rated health in Bangladesh in 1996 and 2002. BMC Public Health, 15(1), 312–312.

Tareque, Md. I., Islam, T. M., Kawahara, K., Sugawa, M., & Saito, Y. (2015). Healthy life expectancy and the correlates of self-rated health in an ageing population in Rajshahi district of Bangladesh. Ageing and Society, 35(5), 1075–1094.

Tareque, Md. I., Saito, Y., & Kawahara, K. (2015). Application of Health Expectancy Research on Working Male Population in Bangladesh. Asian Population Studies, 11(1), 32–43.

Tareque, M. I., Begum, S., & Saito, Y. (2014). Inequality in disability in Bangladesh. PloS One, 9(7), e103681–e103681.

Tareque, Md. I., Begum, S., & Saito, Y. (2013). Gender Differences in Disability-Free Life Expectancy at Old Ages in Bangladesh. Journal of Aging and Health, 25(8), 1299–1312.


Beltrán-Sánchez, H., Thomas, D., Teruel, G., Wheaton, F., & Crimmins, E. M. (2013). Links Between Socio-Economic Circumstances and Changes in Smoking Behavior in the Mexican Population: 2002–2010. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 28(3), 339–358.

Beltrán-Sánchez, H., & Crimmins, E. M. (2013). Biological Risk in the Mexican Population at the Turn of the 21st Century. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 28(3), 299–316.

Wheaton, F. V., & Crimmins, E. M. (2013). In Hindsight: Urban Exposure Explains the Association Between Prior Migration and Current Health of Older Adults in Mexico. Journal of Aging and Health, 25(3), 422–438.

Beltrán-Sánchez, H., Crimmins, E. M., Teruel, G. M., & Thomas, D. (2011). Links Between Childhood and Adult Social Circumstances and Obesity and Hypertension in the Mexican Population. Journal of Aging and Health, 23(7), 1141–1165.

Crimmins, E. M., Soldo, B. J., Ki Kim, J., & Alley, D. E. (2005). Using anthropometric indicators for Mexicans in the United States and Mexico to understand the selection of migrants and the “hispanic paradox.” Social Biology, 52(3–4), 164–177.


Takagi, E., & Saito, Y. (2015). Older Parents’ Loneliness and Family Relationships in Japan. Ageing International, 40(4), 353–375.

Saito, Y., Davarian, S., Takahashi, A., Schneider, E., & Crimmins, E. M. (2015). Diagnosis and Control of Hypertension in the Elderly Populations of Japan and the United States. International journal of population studies, 1(1), 19–28.

Tiedt, A. D., Saito, Y., & Crimmins, E. M. (2016). Depressive Symptoms, Transitions to Widowhood, and Informal Support From Adult Children Among Older Women and Men in Japan. Research on Aging, 38(6), 619–642.

Minagawa, Y., & Saito, Y. (2015). Active Social Participation and Mortality Risk Among Older People in Japan: Results From a Nationally Representative Sample. Research on Aging, 37(5), 481–499.

Yong, V., Minagawa, Y., & Saito, Y. (2015). Policy and Program Measures for Successful Aging in Japan. In Successful Aging (pp. 81–97). Springer Netherlands.

Minagawa, Y., & Saito, Y. (2014). An Analysis of the Impact of Cell Phone Use on Depressive Symptoms among Japanese Elders. Gerontology (Basel), 60(6), 539–547.

Arai, Y., Inagaki, H., Takayama, M., Abe, Y., Saito, Y., Takebayashi, T., Gondo, Y., & Hirose, N. (2014). Physical independence and mortality at the extreme limit of life span: Supercentenarians study in Japan. The Journals of Gerontology. Series A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 69(4), 486–494.

Davarian, S., Crimmins, E., Takahashi, A., & Saito, Y. (2013). Sociodemographic Correlates of Four Indices of Blood Pressure and Hypertension among Older Persons in Japan. Gerontology (Basel), 59(5), 392–400.

Robine, J.-M., Herrmann, F. R., Arai, Y., Willcox, D. C., Gondo, Y., Hirose, N., Suzuki, M., & Saito, Y. (2013). Accuracy of the centenarian numbers in Okinawa and the role of the Okinawan diet on longevity: Responses to Le Bourg about the article “Exploring the impact of climate on human longevity.” Experimental Gerontology, 48(8), 840–842.

Takagi, E., & Saito, Y. (2013). A longitudinal analysis of the impact of family support on the morale of older parents in Japan: does the parent’s normative belief in filial responsibilities make a difference? Ageing and Society, 33(6), 1053–1076.

Frouke M. Engelaer, Eugene M.G. Milne, David van Bodegom, Yasuhiko Saito, Rudi G.J. Westendorp and Thomas B.L. Kirkwood. 2013. Malleability of human ageing: the curious case of old-age mortality in Japan. In Jean-Marie Robine, Carol Jagger and Eileen M. Crimmins (Eds.), Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 33:49-59.

Robine, J.-M., Herrmann, F. R., Arai, Y., Willcox, D. C., Gondo, Y., Hirose, N., Suzuki, M., & Saito, Y. (2012). Exploring the impact of climate on human longevity. Experimental Gerontology, 47(9), 660–671.

Yong, V., & Saito, Y. (2012). National Long-Term Care Insurance Policy in Japan a Decade after Implementation: Some Lessons for Aging Countries. Ageing International, 37(3), 271–284.

Saito, Y., Yong, V., & Robine, J.-M. (2012). The mystery of Japan’s missing centenarians explained. Demographic Research, 26(11), 239–252.

Yong, V., & Saito, Y. (2012). Are there education differentials in disability and mortality transitions and active life expectancy among Japanese older adults? Findings from a 10-year prospective cohort study. The Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 67(3), 343–353.

Yong, V., & Saito, Y. (2012). How accurate are self-reported height, weight, and BMI among community-dwelling elderly Japanese?: Evidence from a national population-based study. Geriatrics & Gerontology International, 12(2), 247–256.

Chan, A., Zimmer, Z., & Saito, Y. (2011). Gender Differentials in Disability and Mortality Transitions: The Case of Older Adults in Japan. Journal of Aging and Health, 23(8), 1285–1308.

Yokoyama, E., Kaneita, Y., Saito, Y., Uchiyama, M., Matsuzaki, Y., Tamaki, T., Munezawa, T., & Ohida, T. (2010). Association between depression and insomnia subtypes: A longitudinal study on the elderly in Japan. Sleep (New York, N.Y.), 33(12), 1693–1702.

Yasuhiko Saito. 2010. Supercentenarians in Japan. In Maier, Heiner, Jutta Gampe Bernard Jeune, Jean-Marie Robine, and James W. Vaupel (Ed), Supercentenarians, pp. 75-98, Springer.

Ogawa, Naohiro, Robert D. Retherford, and Yasuhiko Saito. 2010. Care of the Elderly and Women’s Labour Force Participation in Japan. In Naohiro Ogawa and Shripad Tuljapurkar (Eds.), Aging in Advanced Industrial States Riding the Age Waves Volume 3, Springer.

Yong, V., & Saito, Y. (2009). Trends in healthy life expectancy in Japan: 1986 – 2004. Demographic Research, 20, 467–494.

Reynolds, S. L., Hagedorn, A., Yeom, J., Saito, Y., Yokoyama, E., & Crimmins, E. M. (2008). A tale of two countries-the United States and Japan: Are differences in health due to differences in overweight? Journal of Epidemiology, 18(6), 280–290.

Crimmins, E. M., Vasunilashorn, S., Kim, J. K., Hagedorn, A., & Saito, Y. (2008). A Comparison of Biological Risk Factors in Two Populations: The United States and Japan. Population and Development Review, 34(3), 457–482.


Hu, P., Herningtyas, E. H., Kale, V., Crimmins, E. M., Risbud, A. R., McCreath, H., Lee, J., Strauss, J., O’Brien, J. C., Bloom, D. E., & Seeman, T. E. (2015). External Quality Control for Dried Blood Spot-Based C-Reactive Protein Assay: Experience from the Indonesia Family Life Survey and the Longitudinal Aging Study in India. Biodemography and Social Biology, 61(1), 111–120.

Hu, P., Edenfield, M., Potter, A., Kale, V., Risbud, A., Williams, S., Lee, J., Bloom, D. E., Crimmins, E., & Seeman, T. (2015). Validation and modification of dried blood spot-based glycosylated hemoglobin assay for the longitudinal aging study in India. American Journal of Human Biology, 27(4), 579–581.


Hidajat, M. M., Hayward, M. D., & Saito, Y. (2007). Indonesia’s Social Capacity for Population Health: The Educational Gap in Active Life Expectancy. Population Research and Policy Review, 26(2), 219–234.

Tsimane of Bolivia

Vasunilashorn, S., Finch, C. E., Crimmins, E. M., Vikman, S. A., Stieglitz, J., Gurven, M., Kaplan, H., & Allayee, H. (2011). Inflammatory Gene Variants in the Tsimane, an Indigenous Bolivian Population with a High Infectious Load. Biodemography and Social Biology, 57(1), 33–52.

Vasunilashorn, S., Crimmins, E. M., Kim, J. K., Winking, J., Gurven, M., Kaplan, H., & Finch, C. E. (2010). Blood lipids, infection, and inflammatory markers in the Tsimane of Bolivia. American Journal of Human Biology, 22(6), 731–740.

Gurven, M., Kaplan, H., Winking, J., Rodriguez, D. E., Vasunilashorn, S., Kim, J. K., Finch, C., & Crimmins, E. (2009). Inflammation and infection do not promote arterial aging and cardiovascular disease risk factors among lean horticulturalists. PloS One, 4(8), e6590–e6590.

Gurven, M., Kaplan, H., Winking, J., Finch, C., & Crimmins, E. M. (2008). Aging and Inflammation in Two Epidemiological Worlds. The Journals of Gerontology. Series A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 63(2), 196–199.


Alley, D. E., Crimmins, E., Bandeen-Roche, K., Guralnik, J., & Ferrucci, L. (2007). Three-Year Change in Inflammatory Markers in Elderly People and Mortality: The Invecchiare in Chianti Study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (JAGS), 55(11), 1801–1807.


Eileen M. Crimmins and Jihye Yeom. 2006. The Effects of Socioeconomic Status on Self-Rated Health among Older Koreans. International Journal of Welfare for the Aged, 15, 47-64.


Hidajat, M., Zimmer, Z., Saito, Y., & Lin, H.-S. (2013). Religious activity, life expectancy, and disability-free life expectancy in Taiwan. European Journal of Ageing, 10(3), 229–236.


Andel, R., Crowe, M., Pedersen, N. L., Mortimer, J., Crimmins, E., Johansson, B., & Gatz, M. (2005). Complexity of Work and Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease: A Population-Based Study of Swedish Twins. The Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 60(5), P251–P258.

New Zealand

Yon, Y., & Crimmins, E. M. (2014). Cohort morbidity hypothesis : health inequalities of older Māori and non-Māori in New Zealand. New Zealand Population Review, 40, 63–83.