• Learn about home modification The Pynoos Lab is dedicated to promoting aging in place and independent living for persons of all ages and abilities.

Jon Pynoos, PhD, is the UPS Foundation Professor of Gerontology, Policy and Planning at the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology. He is also Director of the Fall Prevention Center of Excellence.

Pynoos has spent his career researching, writing, and advising the government and non-profit sectors concerning how to improve housing and long-term care for the elderly. He has conducted a large number of applied research projects based on surveys and case studies of housing, aging in place and long-term care. He teaches courses on Social Policy and Aging and Housing and Community. Along with a team of experts in fall prevention and home modification, Dr. Pynoos leads several public and private research and training grant initiatives that make up The Pynoos Lab.

Pynoos teaches courses on Social Policy and Aging and Housing and Communities for an Aging Society.