Join Us

We are actively looking for young, creative and intelligent scientists to join our efforts.
Postdoctoral Fellows
We are recruiting highly motivated postdoctoral fellows to study mitochondrial genetics and transcriptional mutagenesis in several animal models. Postdocs will be expected to develop a project together with the PI, and independently work to carry it out. Candidates should have, or will soon receive, a PhD in genetics, molecular/cellular biology, computational biology, genetics, or a relevant subject area. Applicants should submit a cover letter, a resume and arrange to have 3 recommendation letters sent to Dr. Vermulst.
Graduate Students
The Vermulst Lab is committed to training graduate-level students wishing to pursue long-term careers in science. We are accepting highly motivated students to join us in studying aging and various forms of longevity. The Vermulst lab is a member of the Biology of Aging Program at USC. Interested applicants should submit a cover letter and a resume.
Undergraduate Students
The Vermulst Lab is committed to training undergraduate students wishing to pursue long-term careers in science. We are accepting highly motivated students to join us in studying the molecular biology of aging. Interested applicants should submit a cover letter and a resume. Expect to spend a minimum of 10 hours/week in the lab.
Interested applicants should contact Dr. Vermulst at