Elder Abuse
Julia M. Rowan, Jeanine Yonashiro-Cho, Kathleen H. Wilber & Zachary D. Gassoumis (2020) Who is in the revolving door? Policy and practice implications of recurrent reports to adult protective services, Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 32:5, 489-508, DOI: 10.1080/08946566.2020.1852142
Wilber, K. H. (2019). Combating elder mistreatment: Still muddling—not yet transformed. J Am Geriatr Soc, 67: 1117-1119. doi:10.1111/jgs.15874
Meyer, K., Yonashiro-Cho, J., Gassoumis, Z. D., Mosqueda, L., Han, D., & Wilber, K. H. (in press). What can elder mistreatment researchers learn about primary prevention from family violence intervention models? The Gerontologist. PubMed | doi
DeLiema, M., Yonashiro-Cho, J., Gassoumis, Z. D., Yon, Y. Y., & Conrad, K. J. (in press). Using latent class analysis to identify profiles of elder abuse perpetrators. Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Social and Psychological Sciences. PubMed | doi
Yon, Y., Mikton, C., Gassoumis, Z. D., & Wilber, K. H. (in press). The prevalence of self-reported elder abuse among older women in community settings: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse. doi
Yon, Y. Y., Mikton, C., Gassoumis, Z. D., & Wilber, K. H. (2017). A research protocol to guide the systematic review and meta-analysis of elder abuse prevalence studies. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement, 36(2), 256-265. PubMed | doi
Yon, Y. Y., Mikton, C., Gassoumis, Z. D., & Wilber, K. H. (2017). Elder abuse prevalence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet Global Health, 5(2), e147-e156. PubMed | doi
Quinn, M.J., Nerenberg, L., Navarro, A. E., & Wilber, K. H. (2017). Developing an undue influence screening tool for adult protective services. Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 29(2-3), 157-185. PubMed | doi
Yonashiro-Cho, J., Meyer, K., & Wilber, K. H. (2017). The aging network. In X. Dong (Ed.), Elder abuse: Research, practice and policy (pp 297-315). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. WorldCat | doi
DeLiema, M., Homeier, D. C., Anglin, D., Li, D., & Wilber, K. H. (2016). The forensic lens: Bringing elder neglect into focus in the emergency department. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 68(3), 371-377. PubMed | doi
DeLiema, M., Navarro, A. E., Moss, M., & Wilber, K. H. (2016). Prosecutors’ perspectives on elder justice using an elder abuse forensic center. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 41(4), 780-795. doi
Navarro, A. E., Wysong, J., DeLiema, M., Schwartz, E. L., Nichol, M. B., & Wilber, K. H. (2016). Inside the black box: The case review process of an elder abuse forensic center. The Gerontologist, 56(4), 772-781. PubMed | doi
DeLiema, M., Yon, Yongjie, & Wilber, K.H. (2016). Tricks of the trade: Motivating sales agents to con older adults. The Gerontologist, 56(2), 335-344. PubMed | doi
Wilber, K. H, Yonashiro-Cho, J., Navarro, A. E., & Alkema, G. E. (2015). Social work practice and policies affecting older adults: Policies related to competency and proxy issues. In D. B. Kaplan & B. Berkman (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of social work in health and aging (2nd ed., pp. 661-670). New York: Oxford University Press. WorldCat | link
Gassoumis, Z.D., Navarro, A.E., & Wilber, K.H. (2015). Protecting victims of elder financial exploitation: The role of an elder abuse forensic center in referring victims for conservatorship. Aging & Mental Health, 19(9), 790-798. PubMed | doi
DeLiema, M., Navarro, A. E., Enguidanos, S. & Wilber, K. H. (2015). Voices from the frontlines: Examining elder abuse from multiple professional perspectives. Health and Social Work, 40(2), e15-e24. doi
Wood, S., Rakela, B., Navarro, A. E., Liu, P.-J., Wilber, K. H., Bernatz, S., & Homeier, D. (2014). Neuropsychological profiles of victims of financial elder exploitation at the Los Angeles County Elder Abuse Forensic Center. Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 26(4), 414-423. PubMed | doi
Enguidanos, S. M., DeLiema, M., Aguilar, I., Lambrinos, J., & Wilber, K.H. (2014). Multicultural voices: Attitudes of older adults in the United States about elder mistreatment. Ageing and Society, 34(5), 877-903. PubMed | doi
Navarro, A. E., Gassoumis, Z. D., & Wilber, K. H. (2013). Holding abusers accountable: An elder abuse forensic center increases criminal prosecution of financial exploitation. The Gerontologist, 53(2), 303-312. PubMed | doi
DeLiema, M., Gassoumis, Z. D., Homeier, D. C., & Wilber, K. H. (2012). Determining prevalence and correlates of elder abuse using promotores: Low-income immigrant Latinos report high rates of abuse and neglect. Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 60(7), 1333-9. PubMed | doi
Conrad, K. J., Iris, M., Riding, J., Fairman, K. P., Rosen, K., & Wilber, K. H. (2011). Conceptual model and map of financial exploitation of older adults. Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 23(4), 304-325. PubMed | doi
Conrad, K. J., Iris, M., Riding, J., Langley, K., Wilber, K. H. (2010). Self-report measure of financial exploitation of older adults. The Gerontologist, 50(6), 758-773. PubMed | doi
Navarro, A. E., Wilber, K. H., Yonashiro, J., & Homeier, D. (2010). Do we really need another meeting? Lessons from the Los Angeles County Elder Abuse Forensic Center. The Gerontologist, 50(5), 702-711. PubMed | doi
Healthcare Systems and Services
Haley B Gallo, Wilber, K. (2021). Transforming Aging Services: Area Agencies on Aging and the COVID-19 Response, The Gerontologist, Volume 61, Issue 2, March 2021, Pages 152–158,
Coulourides Kogan, A., Wilber, K., & Mosqueda, L. (2016). Moving toward implementation of person-centered care for older adults in community-based medical and social service settings: “You only get things done when working in concert with clients”. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 64(1), e8-e14. PubMed | doi
Coulourides Kogan, A., Wilber, K., & Mosqueda, L. (2016). Person-centered care for older adults with chronic conditions and functional impairment: A systematic literature review. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 64(1), e1-e7. PubMed | doi
Holup, A. A., Gassoumis, Z. D., Wilber, K. H., & Hyer, K. (2016). Community discharge of nursing home residents: The role of facility characteristics. Health Services Research, 51(2), 645-666. PubMed | doi
Newquist, D., DeLiema, M., & Wilber, K. H. (2015). Beware of data gaps in home care research: The streetlight effect and its implications for policy making on long-term services and supports. Medical Care Research and Review, 72(5), 622-640. PubMed | doi
Wilber, K. H., Saliba, D., Newcomer, R., & Fulbright, K. (2013). Memorandum on Current Assessment Approaches and Domains. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Borun Center. link
Ray, L., Fulbright, K., Saliba, D., Newcomer, R., & Wilber, K. H. (2013). Memorandum on External Recommendations for Standardized Assessment in the United States. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Borun Center. link
Ray, L., Fulbright, K., Saliba, D., Newcomer, R., & Wilber, K. H. (2013). Memorandum Comparing Four States’ Comprehensive Assessment Systems. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Borun Center. link
Gassoumis, Z. D., Fike, K. T., Rahman, A. N., Enguidanos, S. M., & Wilber, K. H. (2013). Who transitions to the community from nursing homes? Comparing patterns and predictors for short-stay and long-stay residents. Home Health Care Services Quarterly, 32(2), 75-91. PubMed | doi
Kogan, A. C., Brumley, R., Wilber, K., & Enguidanos, S. (2012). Physician factors that influence patient referrals to end-of-life care. American Journal of Managed Care, 18(11):e416-e422. PubMed
Navarro, A. E., Enguidanos, S. & Wilber, K. H. (2012). Identifying risk of hospital readmission among Medicare-aged patients: An approach using routinely collected data. Home Health Care Services Quarterly, 31(2), 181-95. PubMed | doi
Zingmond D. S., Ettner S. L., Wilber K. H., & Wenger N. S. (2011). Association of claims-based quality of care measures with outcomes among community-dwelling vulnerable elders. Medical Care, 49(6), 553-9. PubMed | doi
Yan, T., & Wilber, K. H. (2011). Motivating high-risk older adults to exercise: Does coaching matter? Home Health Care Services Quarterly, 30(2), 84-95. PubMed | doi
Thomas, K. E., Gassoumis, Z. D., & Wilber, K. H. (2010). Conversion diversion: Does participating in a Social HMO reduce the likelihood of converting from short-stay to long-stay nursing facility placement? Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 11(5), 333-337. PubMed | doi
Economic Security
Gassoumis, Z. D., Wilber, K. H., & Torres-Gil, F. M. (2015). The economic security of Latino baby boomers: Implications for future retirees and for healthcare funding in the U.S. In W. Vega, K. Markides, J. Angel, & F. Torres-Gil (Eds.), Challenges of Latino aging in the Americas (pp. 355-378). New York: Springer. WorldCat | link
Gassoumis, Z. D. (2012). The recession’s impact on racial and ethnic minority elders: Wealth loss differences by age, race and ethnicity (Policy Brief). Los Angeles, CA: USC Edward R. Roybal Institute on Aging. link
Torres-Gil, F., Gassoumis, Z., & Wilber, K. (2012). Latino baby boomers: New elders for a diverse America. In R. R. Verdugo (Ed.), The demography of the Hispanic population: Selected essays (pp. 125-144). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. WorldCat | link
Gassoumis, Z. D., Lincoln, K. D., & Vega, W. A. (2011). How low-income minorities get by in retirement: Poverty levels and income sources (Policy Brief). Los Angeles, CA: USC Edward R. Roybal Institute on Aging. link
Vega, W. A., & Gassoumis, Z. D. (2011). Primer: Impact of Social Security and proposed benefit changes on the Latino population (Primer). Los Angeles, CA: USC Edward R. Roybal Institute on Aging. link
Gassoumis, Z. D., Wilber, K. H., Baker, L, & Torres-Gil, F. (2010). Who are the Latino baby Boomers? Demographic and economic characteristics of a hidden population. Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 22(1), 53-68. PubMed | doi
Gassoumis, Z. D., Wilber, K. H., & Torres-Gil, F. (2008). Latino baby boomers: A hidden population (Policy Brief No. 3). Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Center for Policy Research on Aging. link
Halliwell, P. A., Gassoumis, Z., & Wilber, K. H. (2007). Social Security reform: Implications for Latino retirees (Policy Brief No. 2). Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Center for Policy Research on Aging. link
Gallo, H.B. (2022). How should we measure Area Agency on Aging success? [Dissertation]. Los Angeles, CA: USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology. Memo (PDF) | Flyer (PDF)
Gallo, H. B., Karimi, B., Abdulridha, M., Howard, J. L., Kiani, H., Maico, J. R., Peace, M. V., Sicley, B. S., Yoo, J., & Wilber, K. (in press). Social workers can help older adults prepare for and respond to natural and man-made emergencies. Journal of Gerontological Social Work. PubMed | doi
Yan, T., Silverstein, M., & Wilber, K. H. (2011). Does race/ethnicity affect aging anxiety in American baby boomers? Research and Aging, 33(4), 361-378. doi
Chang, E., Wilber, K. H., & Silverstein, M. (2010). The effects of childlessness on the care and psychological well-being of older adults with disabilities. Journal of Aging and Mental Health, 14(6), 712-719. PubMed | doi
Baker, M. O., & Wilber, K. H. (1995). Educating policy gerontologists: The impact of a policy specialization on career choice and career development. Educational Gerontology, 21(3), 219-230. doi