
If you or a loved one are experiencing elder mistreatment, or if you are looking for additional resources regarding elder mistreatment, please visit the National Center on Elder Abuse website.


California Task Force on Family Caregiving
The central website for the task force, which is administered by the Secure Old Age lab

USC Family Caregiver Support Center (FCSC)
The FCSC houses the Los Angeles Caregiver Resource Center (LACRC) and provides information, resources, and services to caregivers across Los Angeles County and beyond

ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center
Find programs and services to take a break from caregiving – or call 703-256-2084

Area Agencies on Aging
Locate your local Area Agency on Aging for help finding and coordinating services – or call 1-800-677-1116

Caregiver Resource Centers (California only)
Find your local Caregiver Resource Center for consultation, counseling, education, and guidance

Department of Veterans Affairs Caregiver Support Program
Access support and services if you are caring for a veteran – or call 1-855-260-3274

Family Caregiver Alliance
Gain state-by-state information, support, and access to resources – call 1-800-445-8106

Local Caregiver Support Services
Locate available help in your community using the Eldercare Locator – or call 1-800-677-1116

Senior Centers
Connect with vital community services and support programs at your local senior center – or call 1-571-527-3900

Social Distancing: Apps for Seniors
Home Care, Communication, Food Delivery and Health Monitoring Tools

Healthcare Systems and Services

Episodes Macro for MDS Data (SAS program file)
The macro used to construct the episodes of care for Thomas et al. (2010) and Gassoumis et al. (2013) – SAS program file

California’s Coordinated Care Initiative: Uniform Assessment Tool
A website with materials and resources related to the development of a uniform assessment instrument for California’s home and community-based services – IHSS Universal Assessment Tool

Elder Abuse (General)

USC Center on Elder Mistreatment
The joint USC Center between the USC Leonard Davis School, the Department of Family Medicine of the USC Keck School of Medicine, and other USC units

Fraud and Financial Abuse: Risk Factors, Victims, and Tactics
A presentation given April 20, 2015 by Kate Wilber and Marti DeLiema at the USC Davis School’s What’s Hot in Aging event – PDF

Final Report – NIA Grant R21 AG030661
The final report submitted to the National Institute on Aging for the 2007-2010 grant, Toward a Better Understanding of Elder Mistreatment in Community Settings – PDF

Los Angeles Department of Consumer Affairs, (213) 974-1452
Los Angeles County Scam Alert

Federal Trade Commission, (877) 382-4357

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, (855) 411-2372

Internet Crime Complaint Center,

“Elder Abuse and COVID-19: The Latinx Perspective” – presentation by Gerson Galdamez, PhD

Elder Abuse Forensic Centers (EAFCs)

EAFC Databases (developed ad hoc for EAFCs)
•  Empty Access database (password: fc0001) – MS Access file
•  Sample Access database, with fictional cases (password: fc0001) – MS Access file
•  Blank EAFC Referral Form, which imports its data into the database – Word file
•  Sample EAFC Referral Form, with fictional data – Word file

EAFC Toolkits
•  Development & Evaluation Toolkit – PDF
•  Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation Toolkit – Tool 1, CEA Generation (Excel file) | Tool 2, Time Spent Survey (PDF file) | Tool 3, Bootstrap Macro (SAS program file)
•  List of literature related to elder abuse forensic centers – PDF

Final Report – NIJ Grant 2011-IJ-CX-0015
The final report submitted to the National Institute of Justice for the 2011-2015 grant, Evaluating the Cost Effectiveness of the Elder Abuse Forensic Center Model – PDF

Final Report – NIJ Grant 2009-IJ-CX-0017
The final report submitted to the National Institute of Justice for the 2009-2014 grant, Evaluating the Elder Abuse Forensic Center Model – PDF

Final Report – Archstone Foundation Grant 11-02-24
The final report submitted to the Archstone Foundation for the 2011-2013 grant, Cross-Site Evaluation of Four Elder Abuse Forensic Centers – PDF

Los Angeles County Elder Abuse Forensic Center

Los Angeles County Elder Abuse Forensic Center Fact SheetPDF

ACL Fact Sheet – PDF

ACL Report – ACL Grant 90EJIG0006
The final report submitted to the Administration for Community Living for the 2016-2020 award, Developing a Better Understanding of a Unique MDT Model: The Elder Abuse Forensic Center – PDF

ACL Standard Report
Getting to Know Elder Abuse Multidisciplinary Teams – PDF

Age-Friendly Communities

Age-Friendly Communities: Exploring Innovations from Europe
This presentation highlights how homes and communities are being transformed to better support healthy aging PDF | Powerpoint

Aging in Place in Los Angeles: Recognizing Challenges to Social Connectedness
This report reviews the range of technology use patterns that influences older adults – PDF