June, 2020
- Juan’s review article is published in Development
- Bérénice is invited on the finding genius podcast!
January, 2020
- Dr. Min Hoo Kim joins the Benayoun lab for her post-doctoral fellowship
- Jane Jung, from the MSc in Gerontology program, joins the Benayoun lab for her Spring internship

July, 2019
- Ari Adler joins the Benayoun lab to take care of the fish!
- ADAR program Evelyn Navar joins the lab for a summer internship!
March 26th, 2019
- After a short trip from NorCal to LA, the African turquoise killifish moves in to USC with the Benayoun laboratory

March 19th, 2019
- ‘Biology of Aging’ PhD program student Daria Timonina joins the Benayoun lab for her second spring half-rotation.
- Master of Science in Gerontology Program Shelby Brown joins the Benayoun lab
January 14, 2019
- ‘Biology of Aging’ PhD program student Lewis Randall joins the Benayoun lab for his spring rotation.

November 17th, 2018
‘Neuroscience Graduate Program’ PhD program student Erin Donahue joins the Benayoun lab for her second rotation.
November 17, 2018
Gerontological Society of America’s Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, USA
- Bérénice chairs the “New Models of Aging” session
- Bérénice gives a talk about mouse aging epigenomics

October 30th, 2018
The lab presents posters at the “Epigenetics of Development, Aging, and Disease – SBP’s 39th Annual Symposium 2018”!
October 4, 2018
Meeting on Mechanisms of Aging, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA
- Bérénice gives a talk about mouse aging epigenomics
- Juan presents a poster on transposons with aging and sex-specific differences

September 30th, 2018
Bérénice presents on the African turquoise killifish at the 9th Aquatic Models of Human Diseases conferences at the Marine Biology Laboratory (Woods Hole, Massachussets, USA)
June 30, 2018
- Brandon Bulter (NGP) joins the Benayoun lab for his Fall rotation!
- Our collaborative work with the Lee lab is published in Cell Metabolism!

July 17, 2018
- The Benayoun laboratory is one year old!
June 30, 2018
- Bérénice presents at the 47th American Aging Association meeting in Philadelphia, PA.

June 29, 2018
- Nirmal Kumar Sampathkumar becomes the first post-doctoral fellow of the Benayoun laboratory!
June 18, 2018
- Visiting scholar Trang Hua from UC Davis joins the lab for the summer.

May 31, 2018
- A preprint of our latest work with the Brunet laboratory is on BiorXiv!
May 16, 2018
- ‘Biology of Aging’ PhD program student Juan Bravo joins the Benayoun lab for his summer rotation.

April 2, 2018
Université Paris Diderot MSc student Alexandre Goumba joins the Benayoun lab for his internship.
March 12, 2018
Allison Chae joins the Benayoun lab as an undergraduate research assistant.

March 6, 2018
The Benayoun lab joins the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center as a Full member of the “Epigenetics and Regulation Program”
February 22, 2018
The Benayoun lab becomes part of the USC Neuroscience Graduate Program (NGP).

January 2, 2018
- Gerontology MSc student Hanwen Zhang joins the Benayoun lab for her internship.
- Prakroothi S. Danthi joins the lab as a Bioinformatics volunteer.
December 8, 2017
Bérénice introduces the African turquoise killifish at SoCal Fish.

November 14, 2017
Bérénice presents at the USC Broad CIRM Center Distinguished Speaker Series.
October 27, 2017
The Benayoun lab joins USC Stem Cell.

October 23, 2017
‘Biology of Aging’ PhD program student Angelina Holcom joins the Benayoun lab for her second fall half-rotation.
October 16, 2017
- ‘Biology of Aging’ PhD program student Serban Ciotlos joins the Benayoun lab for his second fall half-rotation.
- Bérénice presents at INC DAY 2017

October 11, 2017
Tae presents a poster on his rotation at the USC lifespan health summit.
September 1, 2017
Ryan Lu joins the Benayoun lab as lab manager.

August 30, 2017
‘Nutrition, Healthspan, and Longevity’ MS program student Rochelle Lai joins the Benayoun lab.
August 24, 2017
‘Biology of Aging’ PhD program student Taekyu Kang joins the Benayoun lab for his fall rotation.

July 17, 2017
The Benayoun Lab officially opens its doors at USC.