The University of Southern California Leonard Davis School of Gerontology continues to be out in front on the aging education frontier. Our school has developed several certificate programs for professionals who wish to respond to the increasing demand for information and strategy on aiding the aging community.
Executive Certificate in Home Modification Program
A major goal of the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology is to develop and support skilled, educated and networked professionals who can respond to the increasing demand for home modification services. Thus, we offer the opportunity to learn more about home modification from the comfort of your computer through our Executive Certificate in Home Modification Program.
(ASA) American Society on Aging Online Gerontology Courses
The University of Southern California is home to the oldest and largest school of gerontology in the world—the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology. ASA and USC have joined forces to offer an opportunity—exclusively available to ASA members—to earn a certificate of completion from USC in a convenient and flexible online format.
Bank of America Merrill Lynch Longevity Training Program
This program offers insights into the latest advances, research and experiences associated with the sociological, psychological and physiological aspects of aging and their implications across all generations of the workforce. Available only to companies for whom Bank of America Merrill Lynch provides retirement and benefit plan services, which represent more than 35,000 companies and more than 5 million employees. It is an introduction to a groundbreaking longevity training program for human resources (HR) and benefit plan professionals. Program participants learn about the importance of and issues associated with longevity and retirement planning through a deeper exploration of seven life priorities, including health, home, family, giving, leisure, work and finances.
Yamano Beauty College Certificate
This certificate program caters to the cosmetologists who take a variety of cosmetology courses at the Yamano Beauty College in Japan. Many of the Yamano programs integrate the course, created by the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology, into the curriculum. Program participants learn about different techniques used to identify and address cases of elder abuse. The intent of the program is to better prepare the future cosmetologists to be alert, recognize and evaluate whether or not someone is a victim of elder abuse in order to prevent further trauma.