USC Publications
- Ailshire J…Finch CE. 2021 Recently decreased association of air pollution with cognitive impairment in a population-based aging cohort and in a mouse model, The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association
- Altuwayjiri, A…Sioutas, C. 2021 Impact of different sources on the oxidative potential of ambient particulate matter PM10 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: A focus on dust emissions. Science of the Total Environment
- Cacciottolo M…Finch CE. 2021 Age, sex, and cerebral microbleeds in EFAD Alzheimer disease mice, Neurobiology of Aging
- Connor M…Finch CE, Mack WJ. 2021 Nanoparticulate matter exposure results in white matter damage and an inflammatory microglial response in an experimental murine model. PLOS One
- Farhani, VJ…Sioutas, C. 2021 Are standardized diesel exhaust particles (DEP) representative of ambient particles in air pollution toxicological studies? Science of the Total Environment
- Haghani A…Finch CE. 2021 Gene–Environment Interactions and Stochastic Variations in the Gero-Exposome. Gerontological Society of America
- Haghani A…Finch CE. 2021 Cerebral cortex and blood transcriptome changes in mouse neonates prenatally exposed to air pollution particulate matter. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
- Irimia A…Finch CE. 2021 The Indigenous South American Tsimane exhibit relatively modest decrease in brain volume with age despite high systemic inflammation. The Gerontological Society of America
- Liu Q…Finch CE, Mack WJ 2021 Air Pollution Particulate Matter Exposure and Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion and Measures of White Matter Injury in a Murine Model. Environmental Health Perspectives
- Pattammattel A…Forman HJ. 2021 Iron speciation in particulate matter (PM2.5) from urban Los Angeles using spectro-microscopy methods. Atmospheric Environment
- Petkus AJ…Chen JC. 2021 Outdoor air pollution exposure and inter-relation of global cognitive performance and emotional distress in older women. Environmental Pollution
- Tohidi, R…Sioutas, C. 2021 Quantifying ambient concentrations of primary and secondary organic aerosol in central Los Angeles using an integrated approach coupling source apportionment with regression analysis. Atmospheric Environment
- Wang X…Chen JC. 2021 Ambient Air Pollution and Long-Term Trajectories of Episodic Memory Decline among Older Women in the WHIMS-ECHO Cohort. Environ Health Perspective
- Zhang H…Finch CE, Mack WJ. 2021 Urban Air Pollution Nanoparticles from Los Angeles: Recently Decreased Neurotoxicity. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease
- Zhang H…Forman HJ. 2021 Targeting oxidative stress in disease: Promise and limitations of antioxidant therapy. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery
- Zhang H…Forman HJ. 2021 Age-related alteration in HNE elimination enzymes. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics
- Cacciottolo M…Finch CE. 2020 Traffic-related air pollutants (TRAP-PM) promote neuronal amyloidogenesis through oxidative damage to lipid rafts. Free Radic Biol Med.
- Cheng C…Chen JC. 2020 Erythrocyte omega-3 index, ambient fine particle exposure and brain aging Neurology. American Academy Neurology
- Easterlin M…Finch CE. 2020 Will prenatal exposure to SARS-CoV-2 define a birth cohort with accelerated aging in the century ahead? Journal of Developmental Determinants of Adult Disease
- Haghani A…Finch CE. 2020 Toxicity of urban air pollution particulate matter in developing and adult mouse brain: Comparison of total and filter-eluted nanoparticles. Environment Int’l
- Haghani A…Finch CE. 2020 Mouse brain transcriptome responses to inhaled nanoparticulate matter differed by sex and APOE in Nrf2-Nfkb interactions. Elife
- Haghani A…Finch CE. 2020 Female vulnerability to the effects of smoking and gender on health outcomes in older people. PLoS One
- Haghani A…Finch CE. 2020 Adult mouse hippocampal transcriptome changes associated with long-term behavioral and metabolic effects of gestational air pollution toxicity. Transl Psychiatr
- Haghani A…Finch CE. 2020 The APOE gene cluster responds to air pollution factors in mice with coordinated expression of genes that also differ by age in humans. Alzheimer Dement
- Haghani A…Finch CE. 2020 Air pollution neurotoxicity in the adult brain: emerging concepts from experimental findings. J Alz Dis
- Hakimzadeh M…Sioutas C. 2020 The impact of biomass burning on the oxidative potential of PM2.5 in the metropolitan area of Milan. Atmospheric Environment.
- Kulminski A, Finch CE. 2020 The ApoE locus and COVID-19: are we going where we have been? Commentary on Kuo et al, J Gerontology.
- Liu RM…Chen JC. 2020 Ozone and particulate matter exposure and Alzheimer’s disease: A review of human and animal studies. J Alzheimer’s Dis
- Morgan TE, Finch CE. 2020 Developmental Exposure to Air Pollution, Cigarettes, and Lead: Implications for Brain Aging. Ann Rev Devel Psychol
- Petkus AJ…Chen JC. 2020 Exposure to fine particulate matter and temporal dynamics of episodic memory and depressive symptoms in older women. Environment International
- Petkus AJ…Chen JC. 2020 Air Pollution and the Dynamic Association Between Depressive Symptoms and Memory in Oldest-Old Women. American Geriatrics Society
- Pirhadi M…Sioutas C. 2020 Semi-volatile components of PM2.5 in an urban environment: Volatility profiles and associated oxidative potential. Atmospheric Environment.
- Pirhadi M…Sioutas C. 2020 Evaluation of a high flow rate electrostatic precipitator (ESP) as a particulate matter (PM) collector for toxicity studies. Science of the Total Environment.
- Saenz J, Finch CE. 2020 Air Pollution, Aging and Lifespan: Air Pollution Inside and Out Accelerates Aging. In: Rattan, S.I.S. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Biomedical Gerontology.
- Shkirkova K…Mack WJ. 2020 Effects of ambient particulate matter on vascular tissue: a review. J Toxicol Environ Health B Crit Rev.
- Soleimanian E…Sioutas C. 2020 Characterization of organic compounds and oxidative potential of aqueous PM2.5 suspensions collected via an aerosol-into-liquid collector for use in toxicology studies. Atmospheric Environment.
- Stringer M…Zlokovic B. 2020 A review of translational magnetic resonance imaging in human and rodent experimental models of small vessel disease. Translational Stroke Research
- Tubi MA…Braskie M. 2020 White matter hyperintensities and their relationship to cognition: Effects of segmentation algorithm. NeuroImage
- Tubi MA…Braskie MN. 2021 Regional relationships between CSF VEGF levels and Alzheimer’s disease brain biomarkers and cognition Neurobiology of Aging
- Yassine H, Finch CE. 2020 ApoE alleles and diet in brain aging and AD. Frontiers Neuroscience
- Younan D…Chen JC. 2020 Particulate matter and episodic memory decline mediated by early neuroanatomic biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease. Brain/Journal of Neurology
- Younan D…Chen JC. 2020 PM2.5 associated with gray matter atrophy reflecting increased Alzheimer’s risk in older women. Neurology
- Zhang H…Forman HJ. 2020 Down regulation of glutathione and glutamate cysteine ligase in the inflammatory response of macrophages. Free Radic Biol Med.
- Breton CV…Sioutas C. 2019 Effects of air pollution on mitochondrial function, mitochondrial DNA methylation, and mitochondrial peptide expression. Mitochondrian
- Cacciottolo M…Finch CE. 2019 Traffic-related air pollutants (TRAP-PM) promote neuronal amyloidogenesis through oxidative damage to lipid rafts. Free Radical Biology and Medicine
- Haghani A…Finch CE. 2019 Air pollution alters Caenorhabditis elegans development and lifespan: responses to traffic-related nanoparticulate matter (nPM). J Gerontology
- Finch CE, Kulminski AM. 2019. The Alzheimer’s disease exposome, Alzheimer’s & Dementia
- Liu Q…Mack WJ. 2019 Experimental chronic cerebral hypoperfusion results in decreased pericyte coverage and increased blood-brain barrier permeability in the corpus callosum. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab.
- Pattammattel A…Forman HJ. 2019 Surface Characterization and Chemical Speciation of Adsorbed Iron(III) on Oxidized Carbon Nanoparticles. Environmental Science
- Petkus AJ…Chen JC. 2019 Particulate Air Pollutants and Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms in Older Women. The American journal of geriatric psychiatry: official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.
- Pomatto LCD…Forman HJ 2019 Limitations to adaptive homeostasis in an hyperoxia-induced model of accelerated ageing. Redox Biology
- Sanderson-Cimino M…Franz CE 2019 Genetic and environmental architecture of processing speed across midlife. Neuropsychology.
- Trumble B, Finch CE. 2019. The exposome in human evolution: from dust to diesel. Q Rev Biol
- Woodward NC…Finch CE. 2019 Exposure to Nanoscale Particulate Matter from Gestation to Adulthood Impairs Metabolic Homeostasis in Mice. Reports
- Younan D…Chen JC. 2019 Particulate matter and episodic memory decline mediated by early neuroanatomic biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease. Brain/Journal of Neurology
- Zhang H…Forman HJ. 2019 Cell-based assays that predict in vivo neurotoxicity of urban ambient nano-sized particulate matter. Free Radical Biology and Medicine
- Zhang H…Forman HJ. 2019 Silencing Bach1 alters aging-related changes in the expression of Nrf2-regulated genes in primary human bronchial epithelial cells. Arch Biochem Biophys.
- Babadjouni R…Mack W. 2018 Nanoparticulate matter exposure results in neuroinflammatory changes in the corpus callosum. Plos
- Lovett C…Finch CE. 2018 Diurnal variation in the proinflammatory activity of urban fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) by in vitro assays. F1000 Research
- Pomatto LCD…Finch CE. 2018 Aging attenuates redox adaptive homeostasis and proteostasis in female mice exposed to traffic-derived nanoparticles (‘vehicular smog’) Free Radical Biology and Medicine
- Woodward NC…Finch CE 2018 Prenatal and early life exposure to air pollution induced hippocampal vascular leakage and impaired neurogenesis in association with behavioral deficits. Translational Psychiatry
- Cacciottolo M…Finch CE. 2017 The APOE4 allele shows opposite sex bias in microbleeds and Alzheimer’s disease of humans and mice. Neurobiology of Aging
- Woodward NC…Finch CE 2017 Traffic-related air pollution impact on mouse brain accelerates myelin and neuritic aging changes with specificity for CA1 neurons. Neurobiology of Aging
- Woodward NC…Finch CE 2017 Toll-like receptor 4 in glial inflammatory responses to air pollution in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Neuroinflammation
- Cacciottolo M…Finch CE. 2016 Rust on the Brain from Microbleeds and Its Relevance to Alzheimer Studies: Invited Commentary on Cacciottolo Neurobiology of Aging. Translational Psychology
- Cheng H…Finch CE. 2016 Nanoscale Particulate Matter from Urban Traffic Rapidly Induces Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Olfactory Epithelium with Concomitant Effects on Brain. Environmental Health Perspectives
- Cheng H…Finch CE. 2016 Urban traffic-derived nanoparticulate matter reduces neurite outgrowth via TNFα in vitro. Journal of Neuroinflammation
- Liu Q…Mack W. 2016 Stroke Damage Is Exacerbated by Nano-Size Particulate Matter in a Mouse Model. PLOS
- Davis DA…Finch CE. 2013 Urban air pollutants reduce synaptic function of CA1 neurons via an NMDA/NȮ pathway in vitro. Journal of Neurochemistry
- Davis DA…Finch CE. 2013 Prenatal exposure to urban air nanoparticles in mice causes altered neuronal differentiation and depression-like responses. PLOS
- Li R…Sioutas C. 2013 Ambient ultrafine particles alter lipid metabolism and HDL anti-oxidant capacity in LDLR-null mice. Journal of Lipid Research
- Zhang H…Forman HJ. 2012 Nrf2-regulated phase II enzymes are induced by chronic ambient nanoparticle exposure in young mice with age-related impairments. Free Radical Biology & Medicine
- Zhang H…Forman HJ, 2012 Cigarette smoke extract-stimulated epithelial-mesenchymal transition through Src activation.Free Radical Biology & Medicine