
Eleanor Hayes-Larson

Eleanor Hayes-Larson, PhD, MPH

Assistant Professor of Gerontology
Pronouns: she/her

Expertise: Alzheimer's and dementia, Stress, Social-determinants and disparities


PhD, Epidemiology, Columbia University, 2019
MPH, Epidemiology of Microbial Disease, Yale University, 2012
BS, Chemistry (Intensive), Yale University, 2011


  • Epidemiologic methods
  • Causal inference
  • Alzheimer’s disease and dementia
  • Trauma and stress
  • Health disparities


Eleanor Hayes-Larson is an epidemiologist whose research program integrates social, psychiatric, and neuroepidemiology with advanced statistical methods to understand drivers of cognitive decline and dementia incidence and disparities. Her work takes a lifecourse perspective to examine psychosocial determinants of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias in diverse populations, with an emphasis on groups historically underrepresented in research. A main line of her research seeks to evaluate the impact of traumatic stress across the lifecourse on cognitive decline, dementia, and neuroimaging biomarkers. In addition, she has a line of methodological research, including both statistical simulation studies and empirical data analysis, that focuses on improving statistical tools for causal inference and generalizability of findings in cognitive aging research.

Email: hayeslar@usc.edu

Publications and links:

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