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For Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month this June, here’s a compilation of this year’s research stories on Alzheimer’s and brain health.


Brain scan displaying various sections of the brain

Anonymous gift advances Alzheimer’s research

An anonymous family donated $150,000 to support the research efforts of Associate Professor Andrei Irimia after hearing him present his work on traumatic brain injury (TBI) and its link to the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease later in life.
Vector illustration showing person meditating, surrounded by a clock, person running, heart, healthy food, and brain

USC Leonard Davis Researchers Explore New Approaches for Body and Brain Health

Biofeedback, “exercise in a pill” and stress exposure are among the potential therapies to boost physical and mental fitness as we age.
Older woman breathing and closing her eyes at a landscape

Can breathing exercises reduce Alzheimer’s risk?

New study provides evidence that a simple biofeedback practice reduces levels of Alzheimer’s-associated amyloid beta peptides.
Tsimane woman scooping out banana with a baby next to her

For clues to healthy brain aging, look to the Bolivian Amazon

The daily lives of people in the Indigenous Tsimané and Mosetén communities closely resemble those of pre-industrial societies and may provide clues for preventing heart disease and cognitive decline.
Image with two parts, the left side showing a brain and the right side showing the cut trunk of a tree with wooden rings

How old is your brain, really? Artificial intelligence knows

AI-powered analysis developed at USC accurately reflects risk of cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease based on brain age.
Neurons in Alzheimer's disease. 3D illustration showing amyloid plaques in brain tissue, neurofibrillary tangles and destruction of neuronal networks

New study challenges previous ideas regarding Alzheimer’s disease

Increase in amyloid beta protein in the brain, often thought to be directly involved in Alzheimer’s pathology, may instead be a general change that occurs with age even in healthy brains, says senior author Caleb Finch.
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