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Speaker: Christopher Morrison, PhD

USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology 3715 McClintock Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Please join us for a Multidisciplinary Colloquium Series lecture featuring Christopher Morrison, PhD, Professor at Pennington Biomedical Research Center.

Speaker: Tilman Grune, PhD

USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology 3715 McClintock Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Please join us for a Multidisciplinary Colloquium Series lecture featuring Tilman Grune, PhD, Professor for Physiological Chemistry and Cellular Biochemistry at the University of Vienna.

Speaker: Charles Brenner, PhD

USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology 3715 McClintock Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Please join us for a Multidisciplinary Colloquium Series lecture featuring Charles Brenner, PhD, Alfred E. Mann Family Foundation Chair in Diabetes and Cancer Metabolism and Professor in the Department of Diabetes & Cancer Metabolism at City of Hope.

Speaker: Coleen T. Murphy, PhD

USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology 3715 McClintock Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Please join us for a Multidisciplinary Colloquium Series lecture featuring Coleen Murphy, PhD, James A. Elkins, Jr. Professor in the Life Sciences, Professor of Molecular Biology and the Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics and Director of Paul F. Glenn Laboratories for Aging Research.

GSA 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting

The 2023 Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting, taking place from November 8-12 in Tampa, Florida, will feature symposia, posters and papers featuring expertise from USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology faculty, postdoctoral and student researchers.

Speaker: Harshal Mahajan, PhD

USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology 3715 McClintock Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Please join us for a Colloquium Series lecture featuring Harshal Mahajan, PhD, Assistant Director of Research for the Living in Interactive Future Environments (LIFE) Home research Center at the University of Illinois.

Speaker: Miranda Orr, PhD

USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology 3715 McClintock Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Please join us for a Colloquium Series lecture featuring Miranda Orr, PhD, Associate Professor, Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine at Wake Forest University School of Medicine.

Speaker: Phillip Schnarrs, PhD

USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology 3715 McClintock Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Please join us for a Colloquium Series lecture featuring Miranda Orr, PhD, Associate Professor, Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine at Wake Forest University School of Medicine.

Speaker: Holly Brown-Borg, PhD

USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology 3715 McClintock Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Please join us for a Colloquium Series lecture featuring Holly Brown-Borg, PhD,  a Chester Fritz Distinguished Professor at the University of North Dakota.

Speaker: Rebecca Spencer, PhD

USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology 3715 McClintock Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Please join us for a Colloquium Series lecture featuring Miranda Orr, PhD, Associate Professor, Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine at Wake Forest University School of Medicine.

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