
Zach Gassoumis, PhD

Assistant Professor of Family Medicine and Gerontology


  • PhD, Gerontology, University of Southern California
  • BSc, Natural Sciences (Psychology & Anthropology), University of Durham (UK)


  • Elder abuse
  • Adult Protective Services
  • Home- and community-based services
  • Caregiver supports
  • Economic security
  • Minority disparities
  • Immigration and naturalization


Zach Gassoumis, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Family Medicine and Gerontology at the Keck School of Medicine of USC. He conducts research into various aspects of quality of life for older adults, with a primary focus on elder abuse, caregiving, and health & social services. His research focuses on improving the wellbeing of vulnerable populations and racial/ethnic minority groups, particularly his early work on economic security.

Zach’s most recent research projects investigate service provision by adult protective services (APS), mandated reporting of elder abuse to APS, elder abuse in people with dementia, elder abuse multidisciplinary team (MDT) models, and caregiver support interventions. He holds a fellowship through the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Interdisciplinary Research Leaders program and has affiliations with the National Center on Elder Abuse, National APS Technical Assistance Research Center, and National Elder Abuse MDT Training and Technical Assistance Center.

Email: gassoumi@usc.edu

Office Location: GER 208f

Publications and links:

Curriculum Vitae