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In 2012, Pinchas Cohen, MD, became dean of the USC Leonard Davis School. During his tenure the school has exponentially increased the size of its faculty, student body and funding and made significant advances in improving health and wellbeing across the lifespan. Dean Cohen is supported in his efforts by a team of vice, senior associate and assistant deans.

A message from Dean Pinchas Cohen

I am delighted to welcome you to the University of Southern California Leonard Davis School of Gerontology. We are proud to be the preeminent leader nationally and internationally in the field of gerontology, the study of aging across the lifespan.

We are a small school that offers a rigorous, highly personalized experience with eminent, caring faculty within a large, world-class research university. It is literally the best of both worlds!

As pioneers in both on campus and online gerontology education, we offer bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD degrees; postdoctoral and certificate programs; and the option to minor in gerontology.

Our mission is to improve the quality of life for all older adults everywhere through our research, service, and education. We couldn’t take our responsibility of reimagining aging around the world more seriously.

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Leadership Team

Portrait of Dean Pinchas Cohen
Pinchas Cohen, MD
Professor of Gerontology, Medicine and Biological Sciences
Dean, USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology
William and Sylvia Kugel Dean’s Chair in Gerontology

Portrait of Sean Curran

Sean Curran, PhD
Professor of Gerontology, Molecular and Computational Biology
Vice Dean
Dean of Faculty and Research
James E. Birren Chair in Gerontology

Portrait of Maria Henke
Maria Henke, MA
Senior Associate Dean
Co-director of the Andrus Gerontology Center

Portrait of David Eshaghpour
David Eshaghpour, MSW
Senior Associate Dean for Advancement

Portrait of Jennifer Ailshire
Jennifer Ailshire, PhD
Associate Professor of Gerontology and Sociology
Assistant Dean of Research
Associate Dean of International Programs and Global Initiatives

Portrait of Donna Benton
Donna Benton, PhD
Research Associate Professor of Gerontology
Assistant Dean of Diversity and Inclusion

Portrait of Mireille Jacobson
Mireille Jacobson, PhD
Associate Professor of Gerontology
Assistant Dean of Academic Initiatives

Portrait of Christian Pike

Christian Pike, PhD
Professor of Gerontology
Assistant Dean of Research

Portrait of John Walsh
John Walsh, PhD
Associate Professor of Gerontology
Associate Dean of Education

Portrait of Lali Acuna
Lali Acuna
Senior Business Officer

Portrait of Orli Belman
Orli Belman, MS
Chief Communications Officer

Portrait of Wendy Snaer
Wendy Snaer
Senior Human Resources Business Partner

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