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Electronic Consultations Break Down Barriers for Medicaid Patients in L.A. County

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Susan Enguídanos, MPH, PhD, assistant professor in the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology, evaluates a program that wants to change and improve the referral process. With the eConsult study, she and her research colleagues – Alex Li, MD, Sajid Ahmed, and Sandy Atkins – looked at three specialist referrals in their study population: dermatology, nephrology, and endocrinology.

Dr. Kelvin Davies Receives Certificate from Biochemical Journal

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Professor Kelvin Davies of the Andrus Gerontology Center, University of Southern California, published- along with Andrew Pickering, Alison Koop, Cheryl Teoh, Gennady Ermak, and Tilman Grune- a paper  in the BJ Cell Knowledge Environment which proved to be the best-cited paper in this category of articles contributing to the Biochemical Journal’s latest Impact Factor of 4.654. (Continue Reading…)

Video game boosts mental abilities in older folks

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AP News interviews the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology’s Elizabeth Zelinski on a new brain-training video game.

In a preliminary study, healthy volunteers ages 60 to 85 showed gains in their ability to multitask, to stay focused on a boring activity and to keep information in mind — the kind of memory you use to remember a phone number long enough to write it down. All those powers normally decline with age, Dr. Adam Gazzaley of the University of California, San Francisco, and colleagues noted in a study released Wednesday by the journal Nature.

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