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New Study Finds a Simple Breathing Exercise May Help Decrease Alzheimer’s Risk (Forks Over Knives)

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Forks Over Knives covered Mara Mather’s research on breathing exercises to reduce Alzheimer’s risk factors. “We know the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems influence the production and clearance of Alzheimer’s-related peptides and proteins,” Mather said. “Nevertheless, there’s been very little research on how these physiological changes in aging might be contributing to the factors that make it conducive for someone to develop Alzheimer’s disease or not.”

Breathing exercises show potential in modulating Alzheimer’s biomarkers, study finds (PsyPost and MSN)

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PsyPost and MSN featured Professor Mara Mather on her work showing breathing exercises could reduce levels of peptides associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

“I was interested in whether inducing slow oscillations in heart rate during slow paced breathing would help increase clearance of amyloid beta from the brain…I hypothesized it could do so as the practice induces some of the features of deep sleep – slow physiological oscillations and low noradrenergic activity – that have been identified as promoting clearance of brain waste” said Professor Mather.

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