Pinchas Cohen, MD
Professor of Gerontology, Medicine and Biological Sciences
Dean, USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology
William and Sylvia Kugel Dean’s Chair in Gerontology
Executive Director, Ethel Percy Andrus Gerontology Center
Kathleen Cameron, MPH
Director, National Falls Prevention Resource Center
National Council on Aging, Arlington, VA
“Evidence-based Programming through Clinical and Community Collaboration”
Kendell Cannon, MD
Clinical Instructor
Stanford University School of Medicine
Medical Director, Welbe Health (PACE program)
“CAPABLE: Supporting Individual Goals to Build Independence”
Caroline Cicero, PhD, MSW, MPL
Instructional Associate Professor of Gerontology, USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology
Director, USC Age Friendly University Inititative
“The Future of Housing in an Age-Friendly Los Angeles”
Susan M. Duncan, RN
Designer, Instructor, USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology
“2018 Universal Design Competition Winners”
Aaron Hagedorn, PhD
Instructional Associate Professor, USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology
“Smart Uses of Smart Tech: Technology for Aging in Place”
Rodney Harrell, PhD
Director, Livability Thought Leadership
Public Policy Institute
“Creating Livable, Age Friendly Communities: Today and Tomorrow”
Paul Irving, JD
Chairman, Milken Institute, Center for the Future of Aging
“What’s Next – Looking Toward the Future”
Jack Lahey, MSW
Clinical Director, Skid Row Housing Trust
“Aging in Place in Permanent Supportive Housing: Current Crises, Avoidable Pitfalls, and Opportunities”
Emily Nabors, MSG
Program Manager, USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology
“Building a Skilled Professional Home Modification Workforce”
Jon Pynoos, PhD
UPS Foundation Professor of Gerontology
Policy and Planning
USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology
“What’s Next – Looking Toward the Future”
Rosemarie Rossetti, PhD
Speaker, Author, Consultant, and President of Rossetti Enterprises Inc.
Co-Founder, Universal Design Living Laboratory
“Meeting the Demand for Homes that Make Life Easier”
Francesca Salipur, PhD, MD
Healthcare Design Fellow
Clinical Excellence Research Center
Stanford Medicine
“CAPABLE: Supporting Individual Goals to Build Independence”
Robyn Stone, PhD
Senior Vice President of Research
LeadingAge, Washington, DC and
Co-Director, LeadingAge LTSS Center @UMass Boston
“What’s Next – Looking Toward the Future”
Scott Trudeau, PhD, OTR/L
Productive Aging and Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Program Manager
American Occupational Therapy Association
“Occupational Therapy: Bridging the Gap Between Form and Function ”
Reginald Tucker-Seeley, MA, ScM, ScD
Edward L. Schneider Chair in Gerontology and Assistant Professor
USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology
“Household Financial Well-Being and Health”
Kathleen Wilber, PhD
Mary Pickford Foundation Professor of Gerontology
Professor of Health Services Administration, USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology
“Age-Friendly Communities: Exploring Innovations from Around the Globe”