Two members of the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology community, Kevin Xu Professor of Gerontology George Shannon and graduate student David Markovich MSG ’18, MHA ’18, participated in the annual Clinton Global Initiative University meeting held October 14-15, 2017 in Boston.
Participants included former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, former President Bill Clinton and daughter Chelsea Clinton, and other global dignitaries.
“The inspiring plenary sessions will aid us in our leading work addressing aging challenges,” Shannon said.
More than 1,000 student leaders and mentors came together from all over world to participate in well-attended breakout sessions held at Northeastern University. Student attendees were selected by a special committee based on their proposals for a “Commitment to Action,” a social initiative meant to address a “significant global challenge,” as designated by the Clinton Foundation.
“At the Clinton Global Initiative University, I was surrounded by innovative and caring individuals who have dedicated their talents to improving the lives of disadvantaged persons throughout the world,” Markovich said.
Markovich was chosen to be a student participant for his commitment to providing a more empowering environment for older adults and disabled populations through his “Life Warrior” initiative that aims to counter the traditional norms of patient inaction when someone is ill or disabled.
Above photo: At a roundtable discussion with Clinton Foundation CEO Kevin Thurm, Markovich (center, gold tie) speaks to the necessity of helping older adults throughout the world.