We asked the graduating Class of 2023 the following question, and here’s what they said…
What would you want students to know about gerontology and working with older adults?

“Gerontology will always be a relevant field. We will all be impacted by aging in some capacity in our personal and professional lives, even before reaching age 60 or 65. Aging is a lifelong experience.”
Elizabeth Shimere Avent
PhD in Gerontology
Elizabeth Avent is a recent graduate of the PhD in Gerontology program and a recipient of the 2023 Teaching Assistant Award. With her PhD in gerontology, she hopes to foster more collaboration between researchers and practitioners and across disciplines. Elizabeth will be working as a Postdoctoral Researcher at The University of Chicago.

“I grew to have a deep connection with the older adult community after being a student at the School of Gerontology. During my internships, I worked primarily with older adults in hospitals. I have a newfound respect and care for this highly vulnerable population, they will always hold a special place in my heart.”
Karina Castillo
Master of Science in Nutrition, Healthspan and Longevity
Karina Castillo loved every moment of her time here due to the unique opportunities and top-notch faculty. She was the graduate student rep for the Student Gerontology Association and organized the USC Leonard Davis School’s first-ever National Nutrition Month. She plans on taking her RD exam and working as an outpatient dietitian and is pursuing a career in corporate wellness and eventually private practice.

“We are all going to end up aging, so embrace the study with enthusiasm and appreciation.”
Alexandra Gleysteen
Master of Arts in Gerontology
Sandy works with the Women’s Alzheimer’s Movement at the Cleveland Clinic (WAM). She is opening a consulting company with WAM as a major client and found being able to focus on the aging population specifically, but through a lifespan perspective to be the most rewarding part of her education at the USC Leonard Davis School.

“Preventative Healthcare is so important.”
Jack Goldman
Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Aging, with a concentration in Social Science
With his degree from the USC Leonard Davis School, Jack is pursuing a career business side of healthcare. He’s well on his way as he recently started a position as a healthcare research analyst with Global X ETF.

“I would want them to know that the field is far deeper than it appears. There are so many misconceptions about aging that people hold so deeply that only hurt them and those around them.”
Clifford Grant
Master of Arts in Gerontology
Clifford is the assistant executive director at Lantern Crest Senior Living. He’s passionate about his career in senior living and aims to manage and operate senior living communities. A recommendation for a colleague and USC Leonard Davis School alumnus brought him here to further his education in this field. He enjoyed getting to know such a diverse network of professionals and found the network of students and faculty to be exceptional.

“It is rewarding because one day we all age.”
James Hill
Master of Arts in Aging Services Management
James is a field examiner with the Department of Veterans Affairs and came to the USC Leonard Davis School with a desire for more education on aging. He has been working in the community to help provide housing for older adults and looks forward to providing more services to aging adults.

“It can be so rewarding to know how you can influence change and help older adults who can’t advocate for themselves or don’t know how.”
Stephanie Knott
Master of Arts in Long-Term Care Administration
Stephanie came to the USC Leonard Davis School with a passion to be an advocate for aging individuals. With her degree in hand, she’s eager to work in aging services and to help improve the quality of care and community services for aging individuals.

“The field is only growing in importance, and the work is both incredibly broad and rewarding. No matter what you’re interested in and what stage of your career you are in, consider how you can incorporate a focus on serving older adults.”
Nicole Leon
Master of Science in Gerontology
Nicole is a program associate with BellAge, a position she earned after interning there as a student. Her goal is to make the world a better place to age for everyone, especially her loved ones, and she hopes to eventually work in local government where she can influence policies, programs, and services impacting older adults.

“It belongs to the national strategic issue, each country has its own approach to senior services. We learn to acquire knowledge and skills, but the use of knowledge and skills is also in the context of the overall environment of our country or city. We must adapt to the local culture to improve and innovate the “Care Mode” for older people.”
Qi Li
Master of Arts in Senior Living Hospitality
Qi Lee appreciated that her USC Leonard Davis School education allowed her to meet with, and learn from, senior living industry leaders. She plans to further study smart digital health, with the goal of becoming an expert on smart platform solutions for older adults.

“They should be more patient, kind, and respectful to older adults.”
Chayaporn Thatakian
Master of Arts in Gerontology
Chayaporn is a social development worker with Thailand’s Department of Older Persons, part of the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security. She received a fully-funded scholarship from the government of Thailand to study at the USC Leonard Davis School and looks forward to applying what she learned here to her work.