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USC Leonard Davis Communications

Careversations at Maggiano’s (AARP)

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AARP mentioned an article by the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology on how to prepare for caring for loved ones who require assistance as they age. With a significant percentage of seniors opting to age in their own homes, there is a growing need for family caregivers to provide long-term care. AARP Virginia also sponsored the Careversations event, which focused on offering resources and support to caregivers. The event covered various topics, including creating a caregiving plan, finding support, and emphasizing the importance of self-care.

Questions about age trail Rep. Barbara Lee, 76, as she seeks Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s seat (Los Angeles Times, Yahoo News)

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Los Angeles Times and Yahoo News spoke with Associate Professor Jennifer Ailshire about Rep. Barbara Lee’s age as she seeks Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s seat. “Campaigning is difficult. It’s cognitively challenging. It’s certainly physically challenging. If someone seems to have high energy, they’re probably in pretty good shape,” shared Ailshire.

Three people in cycling gear at USC

How Far Would You Go for Your Research? 545 Miles? (American Society on Aging)

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Three people in cycling gear at USC

American Society on Aging recently featured an article written by Instructional Associate Professor Paul Nash on how he and nearly 2,000 cyclists rode 545 miles from San Francisco to Los Angeles with AIDS/LifeCycle (ALC) to raise money, awareness and challenge the stigma around HIV and AIDS. Nash and a team of academics, staffers and postgraduate students from USC came together as “The Keck Stands,” cycling thousands of miles together in preparation for their 545-mile ride. Along the way, they shared stories, remembered loved ones and brought awareness to the need for tailored support for older adults living with HIV. “We could have had an away day, we could have had a Zoom meeting, we could even have had a live panel discussion, but we did this,” Nash shared.

More than half of those living with HIV are older than age 50 and by 2030 that number will increase to 70%.

“Understanding and embracing intersectionality means that we need to highlight rather than hide the experiences of older adults living with HIV,” Nash said.

Photo caption: Paul Nash, right, with The Keck Stands members Dr. Tsung-Yu Lu (left) and Jennifer See-Zapata (center).

Photo credit: Courtesy of Paul Nash.

Apps for all? Why some older people are locked out by digital ageism. (Next Avenue, MarketWatch, MSN)

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Next Avenue, MarketWatch and MSN featured Instructional Associate Professor of Gerontology and Director of USC Age-Friendly University Initiative, Caroline Cicero, on how companies’ push for fully digital communication might be leaving out older adults.

“I don’t think we should assume that everyone, young or old or middle-aged, is better off using an app to do our banking,” she said. “Companies need to provide humans to talk with. Automation and robots cannot handle questions that may not be pre-written.”

This L.A. orchestra, with members from 14 to 76, is out to make beautiful music and prove a point (Los Angeles Times)

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The Los Angeles Times featured alumni Gerson Galdamez ’16, PhD ’20 in a story about the Heart of Los Angeles (HOLA) Eisner Intergenerational Orchestra. Galdamez, a violinist in the orchestra, explained that his interest in gerontology began as a child, when he accompanied his mother, a hospice nurse, to care facilities…
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