USC Leonard Davis supporters Marilou and Mark Hamill share their thoughts on aging well, their advice to younger people, and why “there’s no greater gift than education.”
Anita and William Jeung, both graduates of the USC Alfred E. Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, recently donated via their estate a very generous gift to support biology of aging research in women.
An anonymous family donated $150,000 to support the research efforts of Associate Professor Andrei Irimia after hearing him present his work on traumatic brain injury (TBI) and its link to the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease later in life.
Belmont Village founder and CEO Patricia Will and Mercedes Kerr, president of Belmont Village, have arranged for the first industry-created endowed scholarship at the USC Leonard Davis School.
The USC Daryl and Irwin Simon Nutrition for Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention Research Fund was created to explore the role diet can play in the prevention or delay of Alzheimer’s disease.
Friends of the Leonard Davis School and Dean Emeritus Edward Schneider joined with foundations and companies to endow the new Schneider Scholarship Fund.
Donations provide scholarship support for students pursuing the first-of-its-kind Master of Arts in Senior Living Hospitality, which is designed to prepare senior living professionals to address a growing population and changing consumer demands.
Lisa Wong ’89, and her sister, Linda Wong, recently created an endowed research fund dedicated to the biology of aging and a better understanding of the diseases of aging.