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USC Stem Cell Study Reveals Neural Stem Cells Age Rapidly (Science Magazine)

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Science Magazine featured a study, led by USC Stem Cell scientist and USC Leonard Davis School joint appointee Michael Bonaguidi and first author Albina Ibrayeva, a Biology of Aging PhD candidate in the Bonaguidi Lab, that demonstrates that neural stem cells – the stem cells of the nervous system –  age rapidly. The news also appeared in, Medical Xpress, News Medical, AZO Life Sciences, and Science Codex.


Study reveals alarming trend in US death rates since 2000 (The Guardian)

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The Guardian quoted Jessica Ho on why the United States has higher mortality rates and lower life expectancy. “Americans … often practice poor health behaviors, and this may interact with structural conditions like patchwork access to health care to produce worse outcomes. For example, high rates of homicide are related to inequality and residential segregation; high rates of firearm-related deaths are influenced by both behavioral factors and the greater availability of guns in the US.”

Death in the prime of life: Covid-19 proves especially lethal to younger Latinos (Washington Post)

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The Washington Post featured research by Theresa Andrasfay of the USC Leonard Davis School on how coronavirus deaths have shortened American life expectancy, especially among Black and Latino populations. “This shows just how this pandemic is operating a little bit differently than other causes of death,” she said. Additional coverage was found in the Los Angeles Daily News.

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