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Age Old Story (The Point magazine)

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The Point quoted Distinguished Scholar in Residence Paul Irving in an article on the benefits of an intergenerational workforce. “Senior executives need to recognise the potential in their ageing workforce, challenge the assumption that older workers are less productive and refrain from putting only younger workers on new initiatives,” Irving said. “Failure to do so will make the perceived drag from an ageing population a self-fulfilling prophesy.”

The Evidence Is Strong: Air Pollution Seems To Cause Dementia (Wired)

By In the News

Wired highlighted research by Caleb Finch of the USC Leonard Davis School about the connection between exposure to air pollution and dementia symptoms. “I have no hesitation whatsoever to say that air pollution causes dementia,” said Finch, who also stated air pollution is just as bad cigarette smoke in terms of its impact on human health and welfare. According to Finch’s research, air pollution can lead to systemic inflammation in the body, which can lead to the formation of Alzheimer’s disease plaques in the brain (second story here).

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