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USC Leonard Davis Communications

Alzheimer’s: Are changes in the brain’s attention hub at fault? (Medical News Today)

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Medical News Today featured research by Mara Mather of the USC Leonard Davis School on how older adults struggle to focus under stress due to the locus coeruleus functioning less effectively over time. “Deciphering exactly how these changes in the brain occur as we age could one day help us uncover how to protect the brain from cognitive decline and loss of function,” concludes Mather.

Why it’s harder to concentrate as we get older (Daily Mail UK)

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Daily Mail (UK) cited research co-authored by Mara Mather of the USC Leonard Davis School on how it gets harder to focus without being distracted past the age of 55, particularly when under stress, because of the way our brains change over time. “Deciphering exactly how these changes in the brain occur as we age could one day help us uncover how to protect the brain from cognitive decline,” said Mather.

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