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Beth Newcomb

In Sen. Feinstein’s death, lessons for all of us about when to leave work behind (Los Angeles Times)

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Los Angeles Times spoke with Caroline Cicero about lessons we can learn from the life and career of U.S. Sen. Diane Feinstein. “In the case of Sen. Feinstein and so many, their identity is wrapped up in the work they do, and yes, I believe that many people don’t retire because they don’t know what else they would do,” she said. “Work is not life, and life is not work.”

Six easy ways to reduce the sugar and salt in your diet (Washington Post)

By Alzheimer's and Dementia, In the News

Washington Post quoted Cary Kreutzer of USC Leonard Davis on the amount of processed foods that Americans consume and ways to reduce these in your diet. “Americans are consuming far more processed foods than ever. … Ultra-processed foods are being developed that have ‘hedonic’ — highly pleasurable — qualities, and salt and sugar play a significant role in promoting the hedonic properties in foods.”   The story also appeared in Consumer Reports.

What to know about the Blue Zone diet and other healthy habits for longevity (Medical News Today)

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Medical News Today spoke with Valter Longo about the Blue Zone diet and his work developing the Longevity diet. “Because diet [is] intended as ‘how and what we eat’ and not as a method to lose weight, [it] can regulate the genes that regulate the aging process, but also those that regulate the removal of damaged components of cells and the regeneration of parts of various tissues and organs.”

The Man Who Thinks He Can Live Forever (TIME)

By In the News

TIME spoke with Pinchas Cohen about the inevitability of death, and a tech entrepreneur who is attempting to live forever using diet and fitness. “Death is not optional; it’s written into our genes. … There’s absolutely no evidence that [living forever] is possible, and there’s absolutely no technology right now that even suggests that we’re heading that way.”

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