USA Today featured Jon Pynoos of the USC Leonard Davis School on adjustments to make at home to help prevent trips and falls. “Ladders in and of themselves are risky. Anything seniors use routinely should be put on special lower shelves. And, they could think about using items that aren’t as heavy as they age,” he said. This story originally in Reviewed.

U.S. News & World Report quoted Jon Pynoos of the USC Leonard Davis School on how to find an apartment to rent as a senior citizen.
Chicago Tribune, California Healthline and Patch, quoted Emily Nabors of the USC Leonard Davis School on how physicians can get involved in preventing seniors from falling.
Reuters quoted Jon Pynoos of the USC Leonard Davis School about what features can help older adults age comfortably in their own homes. “In a home with two or more stories, stacking closets that could later be replaced with a small elevator might be a good investment,” Pynoos said. “Basically, plan ahead.”